厂商 :广州市八千里货架有限公司
广东 广州- 主营产品:
- 名创优品货架
- km货架
- 伶俐饰品货架

王小波在他的书里写道,二十一岁是人一生的黄金时代。这个年龄段的年轻人有好多奢望,他们想爱,想吃,KKV就是这么一个想带给当下新消费主力更加丰富体验的生活空间。」KK馆副总裁Eva对新经济100人说。 KKV主打的饰品墙、面膜墙、口红墙,既有进口的品牌,又有亮眼的新潮国货,在商品品类上不断贴近年轻人的喜好。白T恤、牛仔裤、小白鞋,是出自KKV的DTC衣品,属于年轻人的百搭神器。进口零食、养生汤包、红酒墙、宠物用品、文具手帐等等,符合年轻人多元且碎片化的消费趋势。年轻人接触新事物快,但喜新厌旧的速度也快,不同区域消费者的喜好也不同。Eva介绍到,供应链是KK馆投入的一块。 为了更快更准地洞察到用户的喜好,除了参考线上跨境电商和线下进口渠道的数据,KKV将全国线下门店的商品管理、ERP、陈列、补货等所有环节的信息打通,总部的选品团队会对商品销售数据进行及时分析,开发新品和跟踪供应链。 在选品方面,KKV一直坚持只卖爆款。KKV的SKU高达20000个,每年淘汰近六七千个SKU,每个月上新500个。 KKV之所以能在短时间内取得目前的成绩,吴悦宁认为其优势在于以用户为导向,处处为用户考虑,不以传统的思维模式看问题。没有束缚,效率会更高。 KKV每月上新的产品经过选品——到店——测试——留存四个步骤。上新的测试期是两周,新品会根据区域和商圈的特性去匹配,放在人流量大的门店里的位置。如果测试效果不好,商品就会被尽快下架。Wang wrote in his book that twenty-one is the golden age of one's life. Young people of this age a lot of hopes, they want to love, want to eat, KKV is such a new consumption of the main force to bring a richer experience of life space. KK vice president Eva told 100 people in the new economy. KKV main jewelry wall, mask wall, lipstick wall, both imported high-quality brands, but also bright new fashion goods, in the commodity category constantly close to the preferences of young people. White T shirt, jeans, small white shoes, is from the KKV DTC clothes, belong to the young people's artifact. Imported snacks, health soup bags, red wine walls, pet supplies, stationery, etc., in line with the young people's diversified and fragmented consumption trend. Young people come into contact with new things quickly, but the speed of new and old is also fast, different regions of consumer preferences are also different. Eva supply chain is KK largest investment. To gain a faster and more accurate insight into users' preferences, in addition to referring to online cross-border e-commerce and offline import channels, KKV will open up information on all aspects of national offline store commodity management, ERP、 display, replenishment, etc. The selection team at headquarters will analyze the sales data in a timely manner, develop new products and track the supply chain. In the selection of goods, KKV always insisted on selling only popular styles. KKV SKU up to 20000, nearly 67000 a year SKU,500 new each month. KKV in a short period of time to achieve the current results, Wu Yuening believes that its advantage lies in user-oriented, everywhere for users to consider, not to see the traditional mode of thinking. Without restraint, efficiency will be higher. KKV new products on a monthly basis after selection —— store —— testing and retention of four steps. The new test period is two weeks , the new products will be matched according to the characteristics of the region and business circle , put in the best place in the large flow of stores .If the test effect is not good , the goods will be removed as soon as.KKV行业模式亮点,KKV研究设计,KK馆旗下KKV白云汇广场店 广州市八千里货架有限公司是快消品店货架,NOME家居货架,伶俐饰品货架,名创优品货架,OCE生活概念馆,KKV生活集合店,酷乐潮玩货架,畹町货架。实力源头厂家、量身定制、出口国外、原厂发货、一站式整店定制、一站式设计安装、工厂超值性价比、实力厂家、免费平面布局!KVV货架,FUNLINK生活集合店,WESTLINK生活集合店,THE BODY SHOP,shu uemura,NOME货架,MINISO名创,THE GREEN PARTY绿党!广州市八千里货架有限公司的诚信、实力和产品质量获得业界的认可。欢迎各界朋友莅临参观、指导和业务洽谈。KKV Industry Model Highlights , KKV Research and Design , KKV Baiyun Hui Plaza Store under KK Guangzhou Eight Wanli Sh elf Co . , Ltd . is a FMCG store shelf ,NOME Home Sh elf ,Ar trin Sh shelves ,Min is zo shelf ,OCE Life Concept ,KKV Life Collection Store ,Cool play shelves ,Wan Ding shelves .Power source manufacturers direct sales , tailored , export foreign , original factory delivery , one - stop shop customization , one - stop design and installation , factory direct sales , super value cost performance , strength manufacturers , free plane layout !KVV Sh elf ,FUNLINK Life Collection Store ,WESTLINK Life Collection Store ,THE BODY SHOP,'sshu uemura,'sNOME Sh elf ,MINISO Innovation ,THE GREEN PARTY Green ens !The integrity , strength and product quality of Guangzhou Ba Wanli Sh elf Co . , Ltd . has been recognized by the industry .Welcome friends from all walks of life to visit , guide and business negotiation .

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