厂商 :清河县特尔鑫焊接材料有限公司
河北 邢台市- 主营产品:
- 合金粉末
- 焊接材料
- 硬质合金
HB-YD114(Q) |
1.6 |
50-55 (受强烈冲击后 After high impact) |
高锰钢堆焊焊丝,受强烈冲击后,表面具有加工硬度的特点。 High-manganese steelhardfacing flux-cored wires, and applied to repair surface of high impact wear parts, cladding layer is impacted with work hardening. |
HB-YD115(Q) |
1.6 |
50-55 (受强烈冲击后After high impact) |
用于受严重冲击高锰钢堆焊,加工硬化效果显著。 Applied to repair surface of high impact wear parts, cladding layer is impacted with work hardening. |
HB-YD165(Q) |
1.6 |
60-65 |
高硬度耐磨焊丝,适用于磨粒磨损表面堆焊 High hardness wear-resistant wire, it is used to abrasive wearsurfacing welding. |
HB-YD172(Q) |
1.6 |
≥40 |
用于堆焊齿轮、挖泥斗、矿山机械等磨损件 Applied to repair surface of high impact wear parts, such as gear aud bucket and mining machinery. |
HB-YD207(Q) |
1.6 |
≥50 |
用于堆焊推土机 ,螺旋桨等磨损零件 Applied to repair surface of high wear parts, such as bulldozer blade and propeller. |
HB-YD212(Q) |
1.2/1.6 |
≥50 |
用于堆焊各种受磨损的机件表面,如齿轮、挖斗、矿山机械 Applied to repair surface of wear parts, such as gear mud bucket and mining machinery. |

金桥耐磨焊丝 LZ603复合耐磨板堆焊焊丝 LZ603耐磨焊丝价格
金桥焊丝 D55耐磨焊丝价格 D55耐磨板堆焊焊丝
D856-4A药芯耐磨堆焊焊丝 5CCr篦板耐磨焊丝 D856-4A耐磨焊丝价格
大桥耐磨焊丝 D112耐磨焊丝价格 D112耐磨药芯焊丝
大西洋耐磨焊丝 D172耐磨焊丝价格 D172耐磨药芯焊丝
金桥耐磨焊丝 D132耐磨焊丝价格 D132耐磨药芯焊丝
大西洋耐磨焊丝 D212耐磨焊丝价格 D212耐磨药芯焊丝
大西洋耐磨焊丝 D218耐磨焊丝价格 D218耐磨药芯焊丝
金桥耐磨焊丝 D256耐磨焊丝价格 D256耐磨药芯焊丝
大桥耐磨焊丝 D258耐磨焊丝价格 D258耐磨药芯焊丝