厂商 :利世达科技有限公司
广东 深圳市- 主营产品:

此产品为进口产品。付款后即开始安排订货。订货后非质量问题不退不换,请知悉!交期由于海关因素及其它未知因素会导致不准确,也请亲爱的买家给予谅解,正常交期为2-3周左右。超过交期不作为退款退货的理由,谢谢 原装美国进口C-FLEX磨床轴承 具体数量价格了解更多欢迎来电咨询 TEL:13592792705(同微信) QQ:1576133004 小七 进口轴承, C-FLEX轴承,cflex轴承,H-10 20 30轴承,进口磨床轴承。 挠性轴承,十字轴承,弯曲轴承,角度轴承,柔性铰链 C-Flex pivot bearing,Single end bearing 由于数量多少,价格相差很大,欢迎咨询。 WALDRICH磨床备件号:7-0502494 5/8 DIA 15.88X25.4 12.8630.00851 测量设备 7.0502494 自由弯曲枢轴5020/600(5020-600) 5/8" Dia. 15.88X25.4 单位(Inch,Lb,Lb-In/Degree) 示例: HD-10中间弹片厚度0.007in=0.173mm HD-20中间弹片厚度0.014in=0.345mm HD-30中间弹片厚度0.027in=0.691mm Product Codes:All the Single End Bearings from C-flex company Dia. 1/8 5/32 3/16 1/4 5/16 3/8 1/2 5/8 3/4 1 10系列 AD-10 BD-10 CD-10 DD-10 ED-10 FD-10 GD-10 HD-10 ID-10 JD-10 20系列 AD-20 BD-20 CD-20 DD-20 ED-20 FD-20 GD-20 HD-20 ID-20 JD-20 30系列 AD-30 BD-30 CD-30 DD-30 ED-30 FD-30 GD-30 HD-30 ID-30 JD-30 C-Flex Bearings Double End Beari Bearing Sizes Product Codes Torsional Spring Rate(1) Load (2) (Lc) Capacity (2) (Lt) Dia. +0 -0.0005 A ± 0.003 C min D min 1/8 AD-10 .0003 2.30 4.60 .1250 .200 .038 .070 1/8 AD-20 .0018 17.50 25.00 .1250 .200 .038 .070 1/8 AD-30 .0148 28.00 28.00 .1250 .200 .038 .070 5/32 BD-10 .0004 3.50 7.00 .1562 .250 .050 .100 5/32 BD-20 .0037 28.00 40.00 .1562 .250 .050 .100 5/32 BD-30 .0296 45.00 45.00 .1562 .250 .050 .100 3/16 CD-10 .0007 5.00 10.00 .1875 .300 .060 .120 3/16 CD-20 .0060 40.00 60.00 .1875 .300 .060 .120 3/16 CD-30 .0482 63.00 63.00 .1875 .300 .060 .120 1/4 DD-10 .0018 9.00 18.00 .250 .400 .083 .165 1/4 DD-20 .0148 70.00 100.00 .250 .400 .083 .165 1/4 DD-30 .1185 115.00 115.00 .250 .400 .083 .165 5/16 ED-10 .0037 14.00 28.00 .3125 .500 .105 .210 5/16 ED-20 .0296 110.00 150.00 .3125 .500 .105 .210 5/16 ED-30 .2367 175.00 175.00 .3125 .500 .105 .210 3/8 FD-10 .0065 20.00 40.00 .3750 .600 .128 .255 3/8 FD-20 .0482 160.00 220.00 .3750 .600 .128 .255 3/8 FD-30 .4002 250.00 250.00 .3750 .600 .128 .255 1/2 GD-10 .0148 35.00 70.00 .5000 .800 .173 .345 1/2 GD-20 .1185 280.00 380.00 .5000 .800 .173 .345 1/2 GD-30 .9486 450.00 450.00 .5000 .800 .173 .345 5/8 HD-10 .0296 55.00 110.00 .6250 1.000 .210 .430 5/8 HD-20 .2367 450.00 620.00 .6250 1.000 .210 .430 5/8 HD-30 1.8940 700.00 700.00 .6250 1.000 .210 .430 3/4 ID-10 .0482 80.00 160.00 .7500 1.200 .263 .520 3/4 ID-20 .4002 630.00 900.00 .7500 1.200 .263 .520 3/4 ID-30 3.2610 1000.00 1000.00 .7500 1.200 .263 .520 1 JD-10 .1185 140.00 280.00 1.000 1.600 .363 .720 1 JD-20 .9486 1100.00 1500.00 1.000 1.600 .363 .720 1 JD-30 7.8023 1800.00 1800.00 1.000 1.600 .363 .720 (1) Torsional Spring rates: Lb-In/Degree rates of standard C-Flex bearings generally fall within +/-10% of these values at zero load. Contact C-Flex if specific spring rates or closer tolerances are required. (2) Load Capacity: Lt or Lc (Pounds load in tension or compression) These values are maximum loading (weight or static force) at zero deflection. Load requirements, angular deflection and cyclic life must be considered when sizing bearings. Lc is pure radial load creating compressive stresses in the spring, while Lt is a pure radial load creating tensile stresses. 1Lb-In/Degree=6.474 Nm/rad WALDRICH磨床备件号:7-0502494 5/8 DIA 15.88X25.4 12.8630.00851 测量设备 7.0502494 自由弯曲枢轴5020/600(5020-600) 5/8" Dia. 15.88X25.4