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>>>双面导通PU基碳膜采用高分子超导纳米碳黑、石墨烯、助剂等混合树脂经压延工艺制作而成。成品薄膜表面光滑平整,面阻均匀稳定,双面导通性能优良,材质相对于PE基碳膜较柔软,整体均一耐弯折,耐酸碱溶剂、耐油、耐热、耐寒及抗氧化,使用寿命可达15年以上。另外可以通过调整基材的配比,实现材料的防水、防锈、阻燃及延展性等方面的特殊要求。 >>>The double-sided conducting PU-based carbon film was prepared by calendering with high molecular superconducting nano-carbon black, graphene and auxiliary agent. The finished film has smooth and flat surface, uniform and stable surface resistance, excellent double-side conduction performance, softer material compared with PE-based carbon film, uniformly bending resistance, acid and alkali solvent resistance, oil resistance, heat resistance, cold resistance and oxidation resistance, and service life of more than 15 years. In addition, the special requirements of waterproofing, antirust, flame retardant and ductility can be realized by adjusting the proportion of the base material. 应用于各类美容、保健等理疗电极产品; Products are applied to all kinds of beauty, health care and other physiotherapy electrode products; 应用于各类检查、监护类理疗电极产品; Products are also used in all kinds of examination, treatment, monitoring medical electrode products; 应用于各类电器、电缆、航天、石化等电磁产品; Produces are used in all kinds of electrical appliances, cables, aerospace, petrochemical and other electromagnetic shielding products; 应用于贴片电极、压感电路及各种柔性耐腐蚀电极产品; Produces are used in patch electrode, voltage inductance circuit and various flexible corrosion-resistant electrode products; 应用于各种面式发热、保温、供暖及除雾类等低温电热产品。 Produces are applied to all kinds of low temperature electric heating products such as surface heating, heat preservation, heating and defogging. 主要技术参数如下: The main technical parameters are as follows: ●常规方阻General square resistance:10~100,000Ω/□ ●可通过表面涂布石墨烯、超导碳浆或银浆的方式将面阻低降至0.02Ω/□; ●The surface resistance can be reduced to 0.02Ω/□by surface coating graphene, superconducting carbon paste or silver paste. ●厚度Thickness:20~400μm ●宽度Width:5~1500mm ●长度不限 Unlimited length ●常规使用温度 Conventional service temperature:-20~150℃ ●极端耐温性 Extreme temperature resistance:-60~180℃ 注:碳膜为纯电阻电路,故其转换效率高,除一小部分损失(2%),绝大部分(98%)被转化成热能。另外碳膜的发热主要以辐射的方式散发热量,属低温辐射,具有透射性,波长为8.97微米(石墨烯加热发射出8-15微米的远红外波,人体谐振波的范围为3-15微米,人体组织的细胞分子中的碳-碳键,碳-氢键,氧-氢键等可在石墨烯远红外波的作用下共振共鸣),是一种对人体健康有益的红外线,被科学家称为“生命光波”。它可以迅速被人体吸收,使微血管扩张,促进血液循环和新陈代谢,对健康十分有益。 Note: Carbon film is a pure resistance circuit, so its conversion efficiency is high, exceptfora small part of the loss (2%). The majority (98%) is converted to thermal energy. In addition, the heat generated by the carbon film is mainly radiated,, which fits in with low temperature radiation. It is a kind of infrared ray which is beneficial to human health and is called "life light wave" by scientists. It has transmissivity and wavelength of 8.97 microns (graphene emits 8-15 microns far infrared wave, resonance wave range of human body is 3-15 microns, carbon-carbon bond, carbon-hydrogen bond, oxygen-hydrogen bond and so on in cells and molecules of human body tissue can resonance resonance resonance under the far infrared wave of graphene).Error! Hyperlink reference not valid.It can be quickly absorbed by the human body, so that the microvascular dilation, promotes blood circulation and metabolism, enhance human immunity, is very beneficial to health.

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