厂商 :苏州专新电子材料有限公司网络部
江苏 苏州市- 主营产品:
- 3m胶水
- 3m胶带
- 胶粘剂
3M氟化液FC-3283是无色透明全氟化学品,具有良好的化学惰性、电气绝缘性能、热传导性和独特的第表面张力广泛应用于半导体制造厂作为热传导介质。其液体温度范围为-50°C 至128°C,主要应用于蚀刻设备、离子注入设备、测试设备及其他设备。因为FC-3283是单一组分,所以其成分不好出现降解或者过期。FC-3283沸点高,其随时间的挥发也比较少。 3M Fluorinert Electronic Liquid FC-3283 is a clear, colorless, thermally stable,fully-?uorinated liquid ideal for use in many single phase heat transfer applications in the semiconductor manufacturing industry. Its liquid range (-50°C to 128°C) makes it ideal for a variety of applications such as etchers, ion implanters, testers and others. Because Fluorinert liquid FC-3283 is primarily a single compound, its composition will not shift or fractionate with time. This keeps ?uid loss to a minimum and insures that transport properties will not change with time
3m胶水 3m胶带 胶粘剂 电子产品 包装材料 塑料制品 绝缘材料 安全防护
- 3M 7200电子氟化液涂层胶水清洗剂 进口防水胶底涂剂稀释液
- 3M 7100氟化液晶屏半导体检测液 电子精密仪器清洗剂
- 3M 4905VHB透明丙烯酸双面胶 强粘力防水无痕0.5MM厚双面胶带
- 3M 8915耐高温强力纤维胶带 玻璃冰箱单面无痕不留胶胶带
- 3M 471防水耐磨地板警示胶带 地面警戒斑马标示线胶带
- 3M 467MP无基材胶膜双面胶带 强力耐高温超薄透明双面胶带
- 3M 55280PVC防水耐高温双面胶 强力无痕车用白色薄双面胶带
- 3M1357原装金属强力胶水 橡胶塑料接触型胶粘剂密封胶五加仑
- 3M94底涂剂增粘助粘剂 汽车增粘剂车用双面胶表面处理剂
- 3M 90喷胶强力耐高温喷雾胶水 金属木材塑料高压层材料喷灌胶水