厂商 :安平县华耀农业设施工程有限公司
河北 衡水市- 主营产品:
- 移动苗床
- 潮汐苗床
- 苗床网

育苗温室使用移动喷灌机节水省人工 移动式喷灌机的特点 1育苗喷灌机.整机骨架不锈钢,外表喷塑处理 2.水车三位防滴快速转换喷头;旋转可以实现改变喷洒水量 3.供水胶管;防晒抗老化胶管,耐压10公斤,使用寿命长 4.分块施水;可以设置左右喷水开关功能,实现道路或闲置区域关闭喷水功能。 5.行程设置;只要移动起点、终点开关挡板,就可以改变喷管的面积。 6.喷杆高度;可以方便的调整,调整范围在500mm,可以保证作物长高的情况下仍能得到均匀的灌溉。 7.节约土地;调式安装限度节约了宝贵的种植面积,同时双轨行驶使设备运行的更平稳,喷灌机喷施杀虫剂可以避免和人的直接接触。 Using Mobile Sprinkler in Seedling Raising Greenhouse Water, Efficiency and Labor Characteristics of Mobile Sprinkler Seedling sprinkler irrigation machine. The frame of the whole machine is stainless steel, and the exterior is sprayed with plastic. 2. Three anti-dropping fast switching nozzle of water wheel; Rotation can change the amount of sprayed water. 3. Water supply hose; Sunscreen anti-aging hose, 10kg pressure resistance, long service life 4. Apply water in blocks; The left and right water spray switch functions can be set to realize the water spray function of turning off roads or idle areas. 5. setting; As long as the starting and ending switch baffles are moved, the area of the nozzle can be changed. 6. Spray rod height; It can be adjusted conveniently, and the adjustment range is 500mm, which can ensure uniform irrigation even when crops grow high. 7. land; The modular installation limit valuable planting area, and the double-track driving makes the equipment run more smoothly. Spraying insecticide on the sprinkler can direct contact with people.

移动苗床 潮汐苗床 苗床网 种植槽 移动喷灌机 物流苗床 无土栽培 固定苗床