厂商 :东莞市江洋机电有限公司销售部
广东 东莞市- 主营产品:
- 离心风机
- 净化风机
- 水泵
This type of fan is specially used for oil fume purtfication in the kitchen of hotel, restaurant or canteen. But
it is stnctly pronibited to be used for purifying the airthat is inflammable. explosive, volatile and corrosive,
or black smoke produced by dieselwhil buming.
This type of fan is specially used for oil fume purtfication in the kitchen of hotel, restaurant or canteen. But
it is stnctly pronibited to be used for purifying the airthat is inflammable. explosive, volatile and corrosive,
or black smoke produced by dieselwhil buming.
- 现货供应佛山九洲普惠DKT-2.0A空调风机220V单相新风系统送风机
- 现货供应佛山九洲普惠4-72-6A离心风机工业喷漆房除尘引风机
- 供应德通16寸圆筒百叶窗轴流风机防雨百叶窗防蚊虫风口 百叶窗风口
- 现货供应佛山九洲T35-3.5A轴流式风机 T35风机九洲防爆风机
- 供应肇庆德通4-72-6C式离心风机净化排尘离心风机质保三年 4-72风机
- 肇庆德通物料输送风机 F5-45系列物料输送风机
- 供应肇庆德通DTK-4.0外转子空调风机 双进风空调送风机 DTK空调风机
- DPT管道风机肇庆德通DPT(圆形)管道风 DPT(方形)管道风机
- 离心风机肇庆德通11-62-Ⅱ型系列低噪声离心风机 厨房抽油烟风机
- 喷雾风扇Deton德通DMF-50轴流式圆筒雾化大功率风机(带摇头机构) 喷雾风扇