厂商 :深圳市加多力润滑油有限公司
广东 深圳市- 主营产品:
- 美孚润滑油
- 壳牌润滑油
- 长城润滑油

广东嘉实多润滑油现货供应批发报价电话。 Tribol GR CLS 000 嘉实.多CLS 000润滑脂 Tribol GR CLS 000 Water-resistant Semi-fluid Grease Description Castrol Tribol?GR CLS 000 (previously called Olit? CLS 000) is lithium/calcium based extremely water-resistant highperformance semi-fluid grease. Excellent rheological properties in combination with an optimum low-temperature behavior ensures a wide range of applications. Tribol GR CLS 000 grease features an excellent corrosion protection as well as a high resistance to detergents and caustic soda. Application In central lubrication systems suited for semi-fluid greases. In gear units and gear motors lubricated with semi-fluid greases. Under unfavorable conditions (high humidity, in the presence of water) Temperature application range: - 40°C/- 40°F to + 100°C/+ 212°F Advantages Excellently pumpable in centralized lubricating systems. Structurally stable - no blocking of the distributors by thickener residues. Extremely water-resistant. Resistant to detergents. Extraordinary corrosion protection. Very good low-temperature behavior 嘉实多 Tribol? GR CLS000(原名 Olit CLS)是超级防水的高性能锂/钙基润滑脂。本产品抗磨,非常适合长期应用并可延长再润滑间隔。超级防水、防氢氧 化钠强碱和防清洁剂的特性确保即便在恶劣的环境条件下,本产品仍具有 很高的操作可靠性。在渐进式集中润滑系统中,Tribol GR CLS 2 易于泵送且甚至在 350 bar 以上的操作高压下仍可保持润滑脂特性和长期稳定性。 应用场合: 适用于高负载滑动和滚动轴承。适用于操作困难的条件,即润滑点暴露于大气、湿气、灰尘和高负载。作为水下用润滑脂,适用于碎石厂和污水处理厂中的挖泥机、起重机等。适用于饮料工业和制糖业中轴承的润滑。适用于处于 350bar 以上操作高压的渐进式集中润滑系统。温度应用范围: -30°C / -22°F 至 +120°C / +248°F 产品优点: 对水、清洁剂和氢氧 化钠强碱具有很好的耐受性 防水润滑脂环提供的轴承密封性 在集中润滑系统中具有出色的泵送性,不会阻塞分配器 抗老化和剪切稳定性 长期稳定 性出色的耐压性 良好的腐蚀保护能力

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