厂商 :辽宁铭远称重科技有限公司
辽宁 沈阳市- 主营产品:

品牌 铭远 型号 SCS-1t---SCS-150t 最大称量 200,000(kg) 分度值 根据客户要求定做(g) 台面尺寸 根据客户要求定做(cm) 电子汽车衡概述 brief introduction of electronictruckscale 电子汽车衡分为数字式电子汽车衡和模拟式电子汽车衡,也可称为数字地磅和模拟地磅,是用于化工、商品混凝土、物流、港口、码头、厂矿、商家、医药、化学、建设、食品等大宗货物计量的主要称重设备。数字式电子汽车衡因其传感电测部件全部采用数字技术,故可以防遥控、抗射频扰、不因温度变化而导致称重信号发生变化,还可以远距离传输,最远可传输280m,如中间加装转接器,理论上讲信号可以传输至无限远。目前这种汽车衡已经全面取代了模拟式电子汽车衡,模拟式电子汽车衡是汽车衡的早期产品,它精度低,容易被加装恶意遥控装置,已经不适应社会的发展,已被淘汰出称重领域!电子汽车衡的技术通过不断的研发,已提升到了非常成熟、稳定的阶段,且根据不同用户的需求,可以根据秤体和电子电器系统组合成不同功能的汽车衡。 electronictruckscaleis divided into digital electronic truck scale and analogue electronic truck scale, also called digital floor scale and analogue floor scale. it is main weighing equipment for bulk cargo that widely used in industry, commercial concrete, logistics, port, mining, manufacturing factory, medical, chemical, construction,food, etc. the digital electronic truck scale with transducer electronic logging components, adopting digital technique, has characteristics of anti-theft tracking / remote control, rfi resistance, invariability of temperature changing, long distance transmission. the longest transmission is 280m. theoretically, the transmission distance can be unlimited with the commutator. at present, digital electronic truck scale has entirely displaced analogue electronic truck scale. analogue electronic truck scale is the early product, with low precision, can be easily anti-theft tracked / remote controlled, has been washed out weighing area! the technology of electronictruckscale has upgraded to a mature and stable stage by continuous developing, also can be assembled into different functions truck scale by scale body and electronics system, in accordance with various demands of users. 秤体选配: scale body options 全钢框架式结构汽车衡 full-steel frame type structure truck scale u型梁新结构汽车衡 u-beam new structure truck scale 系统选配: system options 全数字系统 full digital system 模拟系统 analogue system 功能选配: function options 无人值守汽车衡系统 unattended truck scale system 普通人工操作系统 common manpower operating system 动/静态轴重计量系统 dynamic /staticaxle weightmeasuring system 高速公路计重收费系统 freeway measuring charging system 称量范围: weighing range 10t~150t 电子汽车衡结构组成 the structure composing of electronic truck scale 电子汽车衡标准配置主要由承重传力机构(秤体)、高精度称重传感器、称重显示仪表三大主件组成,由此即可完成汽车衡基本的称重功能,也可根据不同用户的要求,选配打印机、大屏幕显示器、电脑管理系统以完成更高层次的数据管理及传输的需要。 the standardconfigurationofelectronictruckscalemainly consists of bearing and force transmission structure (scale body), high precision weighing load cell and weighing indicator. thereupon, it can complete the weighing function ofelectronictruckscale, which also can be equipped with printer, large screen display and computer managing system to meet the need of higher level data management and transmission according to customers’ demands. ◆承重和传力机构——将物体的重量传递给称重传感器的机械平台,常见有钢结构及钢混结构二种主要型式;钢结构又分为全钢框架式(a型秤体)和u型梁新结构汽车衡(b型秤体)。 bearing and force transmission structure—transmit the object weight to mechanic platform of the load cell. the structure commonly divides into steel structure and mixed steel structure types. steel structure also divides into full-steel frame type (a-type) and u-beam new structure truck scale (b-type). ◆高精度称重传感器——是汽车衡的核心部件,起着将重量值转换成对应的可测电信号的作用,它的优劣性直接关系到整台衡器的品质。 high precision weighing load cell — core part of theelectronictruckscale, plays a part in shifting weighingnumerical valueinto corresponding measuring signal, the quality of which directly influences the quality of the whole weighing scale. ◆称重显示仪——用于测量传感器传输的电信号,再通过专用软件处理,显示重量读数,并可将数据进一步传递至打印机、大屏幕显示器、电脑管理系统。 weighing indicator — applied to measureelectric signaltransmitted by the load cell, then display the weight reading processed by professional software, also be able to transmit the data to printer, large screen display and computer managing system. ◆打印机——用于打印重量数据表单。 printer — applied to print important data forms. ◆大屏幕——用于远距离读数。 large screen — applied to read for long-distance. ◆电脑管理系统——用于重量数据的进一步处理、储存、传输等。 computer managing system — applied to further process, store and transmit important data. 电子汽车衡安装地面基础 the installation of electronic truck scale basis 汽车衡的基础是确保汽车衡精度及稳定性的重要组成部分。汽车衡基础分为浅基坑式及无基坑式二种(如下图)。 the basis is an important part to ensure the precision and stability ofelectronictruckscale. it is divided into shallow basis pit and no basic pit types (as figures following) 浅基坑式基础 shallow basic pit basis 浅基坑式基础安装的秤体与地面齐平,其优点在于占用场地少,汽车上下秤较方便,但采用此形式时,须特别注意秤坑内的排水及干燥。the scale body is horizontal with the ground for shallow basic pit type. it has advantages of covering little ground and convenient for truck to drive on and off, but has to keep the scale pit dry in particular. 无基坑型式基础 no basic pit basis 无基坑式基础安装的秤体会高出地面,故须制作可使汽车上下的引坡,因而其占用场地较大,但其良好的通风干燥环境,可确保汽车衡一直保持理想的使用状态,且日常易于维护。the scale body is higher than the ground for no basic pit type. the slope is needed in this type, so it takes more space. but the truck scale can be kept in ideal using condition for its good environment of ventilation and drying, also can be easily maintained. no basis pit figure 我公司的电子汽车衡产品 electronic truck scale products manufactured by our company “青衡”牌scs系列电子汽车衡应用具有最新科技成果的传感器及仪表技术,可以更快捷更精确的完成计量称重工作。本品由我公司机械专家组经10年钻研、开发,设计,经数万次抗冲击实验,进而得出的合理的秤体结构,结构原理与苏通大桥预制桥体的u型梁结构原理相同具有抗冲击力强,可以承受超国标150%的轴重高压,而秤体无明显变形,强度高、刚性好、结构简洁紧凑等特点。同时我公司秤体还采用喷砂除锈,有效提高了秤体的抗腐蚀性,并大大延长了汽车衡的使用寿命。目前该设备已广泛应用在港口、矿山、物流及其它各类物资流通领域。是企业提高称重计量现代化水平的理想计量设备。本产品是按照中华人民共和国gb/t7723-2002《固定式电子秤》国家标准进行生产,按中华人民共和国jjg539-97《数字指示秤》计量检定规程进行检定。 “qingheng” brand scs series electronic truck scales adopted the latest scientific and technological achievements of the load cells and indicators technologies, can be more efficient and more accurate to complete the measurement. the products developed by the company mechanical expert group after 10 years study and design, pass through tens of thousands of times shock experiments, and then come to a reasonable scale structure. the principle and structure are the same as the sutong bridge of the prefabricated u-beam bridge body. they have the characteristics of strong impact, super-affordable national standard of 150 percent high-axle load and no significant deformation, high-intensity, rigid, simple and compact structure. also the scale bodies blasting with rust so that effectively increased the scales of corrosion resistance and greatly extended the life of the scales. the equipments have been widely applied in the ports, mines, logistics and other types of materials circulation areas. they are ideal measuring equipments for the enterprises to improve the modernization level. these products produced in accordance with the people"s republic of china gb/t7723-2002 “fixed electronic scale” national standards, tested in accordance with the people"s republic of china jjg539-97 “digital indicate scales” measuring verification