厂商 :济宁皓康机电设备有限公司
山东 济宁市- 主营产品:
- 彩虹滑道
- 卡丁车
- 沙滩车
Product advantages: Atomization effect of nozzle with international standard technology Nozzle high strength aluminum alloy close forging Multi nozzle technology (106 water nozzles, 20 nuclear nozzles) The design structure of the nozzle can achieve a good snow state Snow making is not affected by climate The snow produced is very dry and of high quality, which can be kept for a long time Long distance of snow spraying (over 100m) 360 degree rotation, pitch angle adjustment, automatic head shaking 45 degrees, large laying area, labor Small energy consumption, small volume and less environmental pollution Imported core accessories, which can be installed and debugged on site 3000 ㎡ single set The design concept of snow making machine is novel. It adopts the advanced technology of Europe and the ring crystal spray system made of fine materials. It has a certain proportion of mixing effect of water and air and can make snow at critical temperature. Fully automatic of operating system. It is an excellent model in the industry. Structural features of snowmaker: The design of the system of the snowmaking machine is full computer, which can be fully automatic, also can be changed into manual operation. All kinds of operation parameters are set by computer and displayed on text display. In of various faults, the alarm sound will be sounded immediately and the fault cause will be displayed on the text display. Is the current advanced operating system. Its high-power axial-flow fan can effectively make snow far away and cover a larger area. 310 nozzles make the atomization of high-pressure water better and fuller, so that it can work under higher ambient temperature and humidity conditions, and can create better snow quality and more snow. 特殊材料制造的风筒和叶片,可防止筒体和扇叶结冰。叶扇的造型,奠定了其大流量,高风压,低噪音的独特优势。 新型叶片式空气压缩机,保证提供大流量和高力压缩空气。独特的压缩空气冷凝系统使核子喷嘴的性能更优。能有效的提高造雪温度,保证造雪质量。 高强度、耐严寒铝合金制造的喷嘴座使其抵抗高压性能更强,耐超低温性能更佳,保证喷嘴系统的稳定。 滤网箱内安装的是200目的高密度过滤网。设置了四个水环系阀门,可以调节水量。 风筒的仰角可以从到根据需要调整。造雪机的水平旋转进行手动或自动调整。从而构成造雪机在空间三维方位进行作业。 设置有水平仪,用于调整安放造雪机。 设置有温度计、湿度仪,以测量环境温度、湿度。 人工造雪机是在-25℃的蒸发器上结成冰,通过冷却的空气输送到滑雪道方式的不受大气温度影响的崭新的造雪系统。通常,人工降雪机的造雪,受气温影响,都在夜间进行造雪,所以需要能提供水源的大型储水设备,因而造成不必要的费用。人工造雪机不受气候的影响,只要能保持一定的水量就可以造雪,不需要储水设备,也不发生额外费用。人工造雪机的优点: ① 造雪条件不受气候影响。(降雪机只能在外气温度-3℃以下,湿度60%以上使用) ② 造出来的雪很干燥。(比起一般的雪能长期保持) ③ 输送距离远。(能达到100M以上) ④ 投资费用低。(不需要储水设备) ⑤ 维护费用低。(利用循环水,不需要大量的水源) 人工造雪机的优点 ① 大型制冰,GX率-达到190ton/day的制冰量。 ② GX率,易维护-采用热气脱冰的方式,脱冰效率高,简化了不必要的维护。 ③ 符合超远距离输送-能达到200M以上。 ④ 自动制冰,自动蓄积-夜间无人状态下,制动制冰·蓄积。
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