厂商 :日照市东港区百特工业自动化科技有限公司
山东 日照市- 主营产品:
- 火烧板机路沿石火烧机
- 路沿石倒角机
- 楼梯踏步划沟磨边机

型号 Type 700型 BT-DM-700 900型 BT-DM-900 1100型 BT-DM-1100 1300型 BT-DM-1300 加工规格(mm) 长 Length 300-2000 300-2000 300-2000 300-2000 宽 Width 700 900 1100 1300 厚 Thickness 10-60 10-60 10-60 10-60 工作效率 Efficiency 50㎡/h 60㎡/h 80㎡/h 100㎡/h 功率 Power 4.5kw 5.5kw 6kw 8kw 电源 Mains 380V-50Hz 全自动石材水洗打磨设备 Automatic stone washing and polishing equipment 技术参数(Technical Parameters) 技术特点(Technical characteristics): 1、本设备采用全自动控制,操作简单; 1. This equipment adopts fully automatic control, which is safe and reliable to use and easy to operate; 2,红外线自动感应板材进出控制磨头运行,根据板材厚度自动调节磨头升降,快捷,省时省力; 2. The infrared head automatically senses the plate in and out to control the operation of the grinding head, and automatically adjusts the grinding head up and down according to the thickness of the plate. 3,打磨压力可自行设计,保证板材打磨质量标准统一;有效去除火烧面、喷砂面、荔枝面等板材上的碎屑石渣,尤其加工火烧面仿古板更佳; 3. The grinding pressure can be designed by itself to ensure uniform quality standards for the grinding of the boards; effectively remove the debris and slag on the boards such as burned noodles, sandblasted noodles, litchi noodles, etc., especially for antique plates with fired noodles; 4,本设备作业灵活便捷,可与火烧板机、喷砂机等设备对接,实现流水线作业,提高工作效率,设备也可独立作业。 4. The operation of this equipment is flexible and convenient, and it can be docked with equipment such as fire burners and sand blasting machines to achieve assembly line operations and improve work efficiency. The equipment can also operate independently.

火烧板机路沿石火烧机 路沿石倒角机 楼梯踏步划沟磨边机 半自动粗糙面吸盘 自动水洗打磨机 全自动上下料机械臂 全自动清洗防护烘干机 自动染板机