
厂商 :深圳市七雅科技有限公司

广东 深圳市
  • 主营产品:
  • 运算放大器
  • 电源芯片
  • 蓝牙模块
联系电话 :15818772567
General Deion
The SUM7222 is 2- to 1-port analog switches. Their wide bandwidth and low bit-to-bit skew allow
them to pass high-speed differential signals with good signal integrity. Each switch is bidirectional and offers
little or no attenuation of the high-speed signals at the outputs. Industry-leading advantages include a
propagation delay of less than 250 ps, resulting from its low channel resistance and low I/O capacitance. Their
high channel-to-channel crosstalk rejection results in minimal noise interference. Their bandwidth is wide

enough to pass High-Speed USB 2.0 differential signals (480 Mb/s)
