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  • 主营产品:
  • 实验台
  • 通风柜
  • 密集架
联系电话 :13651881253

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在生化实验室中,实验操作时会产生各种有害有味气体、臭气、湿气以及易燃、易爆、腐蚀性物质, 为了保护使用者安全,防止实验中的污染物质向实验室扩散,在污染源附近要使用通风柜。由于通风 柜在生化实验室中占有非常重要的位置,从改善实验室环境、改善劳动卫生条件,提高工作效率等方 面考虑,通风柜的使用台数飞快的增加,随之而来的是通风管道、配管、配线、供气、排风、排风控 制系统等都成为实验室建设的重要课题。

In the biochemical laboratory, the experimental operation will produce a variety of harmful and harmful gases, odor, moisture and flammable, explosive, corrosive substances, in order to protect the safety of users to prevent the cont a minants in the experiment spread to the laboratory , In the vicinity of pollution sources to use the fume hood. As the fume hood in the biochemical laboratory occupies a very important p osition, from improving the laboratory environment, improve labor hygiene conditions, improve work efficiency, etc., the use of fume hoods increased rapidly, followed by ventilation ducts, Piping, wiring, gas supply, exhaust, exhaust con trol system have become an important issue in laboratory construction.
