厂商 :深圳市联欧贸易发展有限公司代理部
广东 深圳- 主营产品:
- 非接触式激光测速
- 海纳张力
- 机械安全监测产品

SURVOS Standard 是一种挥发性达100%的水基润滑液,其优异的润滑性能可媲美石油,水基的特点也 给予了本品十分优秀的冷却性能。适用于多种金属材料,不包括塑料。 35 年里,我们实验过各种金属材料,SURVOS 从未与任何一种材料发生化学反应(除了塑料)。 本品含微量化学成分(芳香烃),气味芳香,已通过欧洲REACH 认证(Registration 注册, Evaluation 评 估, Authorization 授权,和Restriction of Chemicals 化学品管制),认证号1907/2006。 切忌吞服!直接吞服会对人体造成危害,致死量为5000 升,如果误吞本油品,须第一时间联系医务人 员清洗肠胃;使用时需要保障环境通风,严禁在喷雾过程中与本油品过多接触。闪点较低,贮存时应远离火 源。 专长领域 ·高加工参数及耐久性材料的锯切、钻孔、雕刻、光栅、折弯、釉车削和釉铣削加工 ·有色金属、铝和黄铜的冲孔、剖面、深孔钻及折弯 ·黄铜、钢、镀锌钢、粉末涂层钢、涂层钢板及不锈钢板的铆接 适用领域 ·钢件精加工、粗车削、粗铣削及雕刻 ·复合材料的加工,例如:印刷电路板的制造 ·装配工艺、纸张处理和木材加工 SURVOS Plus L complies with the stringent foodstuff requirements of FDA US Regulations according to 21 CFR 178.3120, LFGB §30 and §31 as well as (EC) No. 1935/2004. SURVOS Plus L possesses a high lubricity and evaporates to rate of 100% (45ppm). Its lubricity is very high and comparable to petroleum. For a 100% residue-free evaporating processing oil its lubricity is very high. Another advantage is its cooling ability. The fluid can be used with all materials except some sort of plastic. As far as we know there has never been a reaction with any kind of material (except plastic) in over 40 years. Nor in that time span has a skin disease been reported to have been caused by SURVOS Plus L. Great results at: ? Sawing, drilling, engraving, grating, glaze turning and glaze milling with high processing parameters and durability. ? Punching, profiling, deep-drawing and bending of coloured metals, aluminium, copper and brass. ? clinching of brass, steel, galvanised steel, powder-coated steel, coated steel and stainless steel sheets. Good results at: ? Fine machining (fine grinding/finishing), hard turning, hard milling and the engraving of steel ? Processing of composite material, for example: manufacturing of printed circuit boards. ? assembly technology. ? paper handling and woodworking SURVOS Rapid D evaporates significantly quicker than the “Standard” formula (with a slightly lower lubrication performance). SURVOS Rapid D convinces with a short evaporating-time and is 100% residue free. SURVOS Rapid D is preferred in cases when processes cycles occur in short intervals and no residues are permitted. The lubricant can be used for all materials except some sort of plastics. As far as we know there has never been a reaction with any kind of material (except some sort of plastic) in over 35 years. Nor in that time span has a skin disease been reported to have been caused by SURVOS Rapid D. Great results at: Sawing, drilling, engraving, grating, glaze turning and glaze milling with high processing parameters and durability. Punching, profiling, deep-drawing and bending of coloured metals, aluminium, copper and brass, steel, galvanised steel, powder-coated steel, coated steel and stainless steel sheets. Good results at: - Fine machining (fine grinding/finishing), hard turning, hard milling and the engraving of steel - Processing of composite material, for example: manufacturing of printed circuit boards. - assembly technology. - paper handling. - woodworking.

非接触式激光测速 海纳张力 机械安全监测产品