厂商 :深圳市大兴智能机械有限公司
广东 深圳市- 主营产品:
- 加工中心
- 雕铣机
- 钻攻机
联系电话 :13929480028
项? | 单位 | 0505-500 | 1312-1300 | 2515-1500 | 3015-1500 | |
加??程 | X轴(?作台?程)X-axis(travel of work bench) | mm | 500 | 1300 | 2500 | 3000 |
Y轴(滑板?程)Y-axis (travel of sliding plate) | mm | 500 | 1200 | 1500 | 1500 | |
Z轴(?柱?程)Z-axis (travel of vertical pillar) | mm | 200 | 500 | 800 | 800 | |
A轴(?柱?程) | 度° | 主轴头向上20,向下30度 The main shaft head up 20°and down 30° | ||||
枪钻最?孔深度Maximum drill depth of gun drill | mm | 500 | 1300 | 1500 | 1500 | |
喷吸钻最?钻孔深度Maximum drill depth of spray and absorb drill | mm | 1000(选配)selective | ||||
主轴轴???作台?距离Distance from the center of main shaft to the surface of work bench | mm | 0-500 | 0-1200 | 0-1500 | 0-1500 | |
加?速度processing | 主轴最?转速Maximum rotating of main shaft | rpm | 6000 | 6000 | 4000 | 4000 |
快速给进(X.Y.Z)Fast feeding | m/min | 10 | 10 | 10 | 10 | |
?作台最?转速Maximum rotating speed work banch | rpm | 11 | 5.5 | 2.7 | 2.7 | |
?滑枕最?转速Maximum rotating speed of square guide way | 度° | 215 | 215 | 215 | 215 | |
动?参数Dynami cparameter | 主轴电机Motor of main shaft | kW | 7.5 | 15/18.5(30min) | 18.5/22(30min) | 18.5/22(30min) |
X轴进给电机X-axis feeding motor | N.m | 22 | 30 | 40 | 40 | |
Y轴进给电机Y-axis feeding motor | N.m | 22 | 30 | 40 | 40 | |
Z轴进给电机Z-axis feeding motor | N.m | 22 | 30 | 30 | 30 | |
W轴进给电机 W-axis feeding motor | N.m | 12 | 12 | 22 | 22 | |
A轴进给电机A-axis feeding motor | N.m | 22 | 22 | 30 | 30 | |
B轴进给电机 B-axis feeding motor | N.m | 12 | 22 | 40 | 40 | |
机床总功率Total power of machine tool | kW | 32 | 62 | 68 | 80 | |
钻孔直径Diameter of drill hole | 枪钻钻孔直径Drilling diameter of gun drill | mm | Φ3-35 | Φ3-35 | Φ3-35 | Φ3-35 |
喷吸钻钻孔直径Drilling diameter of spray and absorb drill | mm | - | - | Φ18-65(选配)selective | Φ18-65 | |
其它Other | 冷却液压?范围Pressure scope of cooling liquid | Mpa | 2-11 | 2-11 | 2-11 | 钻枪 Gun drill 2-11喷吸钻 Spray and absorb drill 1.0-1.7 |
冷却液流量范围Flowrate scope of cooling | L/min | 6-80 | 6-80 | 6-80 | 钻枪 Gun drill 6-80 | |
回转?作台尺? Sizeof rotating table | mm | Φ250 | 1200X1000 | 2000X1600 | 2400X2000 | |
?作台承重Load-bearing of work banch | T | 0.35 | 5 | 15 | 20 | |
主轴端锥度 Taper of main shaft end | BT40 | BT40 | BT50 | BT50 | ||
机床外形尺?External size of machine tool | mm | 4300X3180X3370 | 6300X4500X4100 | 8200X6200X4600 | 8300X7000X4600 | |
机床总重量Total of machinetool | T | 9 | 18 | 35 | 45 | |
机床控制系统Machine tool control system | 台湾新代SYNTEC/发那科FANUC | |||||
本公司机床不断进?研发改良,如有更改规格恕不另?通知。本资料图?仅供参考,以实际产品样为准。 |
产品特点: | ||||||
RFD6ZX六轴钻铣深孔钻,配有4条直线和2条数控轴,具有铣削、钻孔功能专为复杂模具加? | ||||||
Multi shaft mold conveying water CNC milling machine is integrating milling and deep-hole processing and makes it possible to achieve multiple surfaces and working proce dures at one-time clamping. | ||||||
APPLICATIONFIELD 应?领域:汽?模具仪表盘、保险杆、?板、热压成型,?型箱体零件等复杂零件。 |
FEATURES 主要特点: | ||||||
1.主轴(A轴)向上20度,向下30度?精度旋转。实现复合?度加?。High precision rotation ofmain shaft(shaftA)up20degreesanddown30degrees. Compoundangle machining i s realized. | ||||||
2.主轴具有强?铣削功能。The main shaft features powerful milling function (cutter disc may be installed). | ||||||
3.可配喷吸钻,实现?效率、?精度、?光洁度的?孔加?。 | ||||||
Equipped with spary and absorb drill to achieve high e?ciency and high precision high ?neness large-hole processing. |
RRFD1008-1000三轴深孔钻床数控系列深孔钻刀具 深孔钻镗床厂家深孔钻加工价格深孔钻钻头深孔钻价格深孔钻机床价格