厂商 :曲堤黄瓜常年代收批发
山东 济南- 主营产品:

全世界有这么多生菜的种类,你真的了解生菜吗?接下来由曲堤黄瓜来介绍一下生菜的分类吧。 ①罗马生菜(Romaine or Cos) ① Romaine or cos 体型粗长,叶片长,叶梗明显,叶子呈淡绿色,洪亮多汁,略带一点清新的口感,不苦。是凯撒沙拉的主要资料。 The shape is thick and long, the leaves are long, the stems are obvious, the leaves are light green, bright and juicy, with a little fresh taste, not bitter. It's the main ingredient of Caesar's salad. ②波士顿生菜 / 奶油生菜(Boston) ② Boston lettuce / cream lettuce (Boston)叶子柔软,整体外型像一朵花,滋味温和,口感柔嫩,不易保管。叶子能够用来做食物容器凹外型。 The leaves are soft, the overall appearance is like a flower, the taste is mild, the taste is tender, not easy to keep. Leaves can be used for concave shape of food containers. ③比布生菜(Bibb) ③ Bibb 看起来有点像小号的奶油生菜,但是滋味更好,价钱也更贵,通常配以油腻的调味汁来做餐后沙拉。印象中我仿佛没有吃过……④松叶生菜(Loose-leaf lettuce)It looks like a small cream lettuce, but it tastes better and costs more. It is usually served with a greasy sauce to make a salad. I don't seem to have eaten… ④ loose leaf lettuce有红叶和绿叶两种颜色,叶片如其名,是散开的,叶边皱皱的,也很洪亮爽口。关于家庭种植来说,这一款的优势在于你能够把外层的叶子掐来吃掉,然后等它继续长出来。 There are two colors of red leaves and green leaves. The leaves, as their name implies, are scattered, wrinkled and refreshing. As for home planting, the advantage of this one is that you can pinch the outer leaves and eat them, and then wait for them to grow. ⑤橡叶生菜(Oak leaf lettuce) ⑤ oak leaf lettuce 叶子比松叶生菜更细窄,生菜味较明显,略苦,也有红、绿两款。 The leaves are thinner and narrower than that of pine leaf lettuce. The taste of lettuce is obvious, slightly bitter. There are also two kinds of lettuce, red and green. ⑥球生菜(Iceberg lettuce) ⑥ iceberg lettuce 球芯紧实,也叫圆生菜。相比其它生菜口感更脆,由于滋味温和,通常要和其它蔬菜搭配运用。纤维含量和罗马生菜差不多,但是营养成分不如罗马生菜。 The ball core is compact, also called round lettuce. Compared with other lettuce, it is crisper in taste. Due to its mild taste, it is usually used with other vegetables. The fiber content is similar to that of romaine lettuce, but the nutrition is not as good as that of romaine lettuce. 第二位出场的是菊苣: Second came chicory: ①比利时菊苣(Belgian endive) ① Belgian endive 我很喜欢这款蔬菜,由于长得像玉石一样温润……有黄色和红色两款,吃起来口感甜脆多汁,不同在于黄色的顶部变绿以后会变苦,而红色菊苣则不会变绿。 I like this vegetable very much, because it looks like jade. There are two kinds of yellow and red. They taste sweet, crispy and juicy. The difference is that the yellow top will turn bitter when it turns green, while the red chicory will not turn green. ②碎叶菊苣(Frisée / Curly endive / Chicory )根部松懈,叶子边碎裂卷曲,看起来有点散乱无纪律的就是它啦!外面的老叶子吃起来会比中心的嫩叶子苦。三个名字 ,说的是同一个菊苣: (2) fris é E / curly endive / chicory has loose roots and curly edges. It seems that it's the one that's a little disorganized. The old leaves on the outside taste more bitter than the tender ones on the center. Three names for the same chicory: ③阔叶菊苣(Escarole) ③ broad leaved chicory (escarole) 乍一看有点像生菜,但是是菊苣的一种。叶子较散,叶边呈波浪形。吃起来有点苦,不过比碎叶菊苣好点。 At first glance, it looks like lettuce, but it's a kind of chicory. The leaves are scattered and the edge is wavy. It's a bit bitter, but it's better than chicory. ④意大利菊苣(Radicchio,Tardivo,Treviso)看起来像一颗小白菜,叶子也有红色、白色、绿色多款。美国这边紫色和白色最常见。跟比利时菊苣的滋味比拟类似,但是没有那么脆。以前大局部是从意大利进口,如今美国外乡也有栽培,但是价钱还是比其他沙拉蔬菜贵,所以通常不会被大量用来做沙拉底菜。 ④ Italian chicory (radicchio, tardivo, Treviso) looks like a cabbage, with red, white and green leaves. Purple and white are the most common in the United States. Similar to the taste of Belgian chicory, but not so crisp. Before, most of them were imported from Italy, but now they are cultivated in other countries in the United States, but the price is still more expensive than other salad vegetables, so they are usually not used in large quantities to make salad bottoms. 芝麻菜(Arugula) Arugula (arugula) 从罗马时期就在地中海一带作为蔬菜停止种植了,当然如今全世界人们都在吃了。有一品种似杏仁,以至辣椒的香味,越老的叶子吃起来越有芥末味儿。富含β-胡萝卜素、钾,维他命C的含量也比其它沙拉蔬菜更高。作为十字花科的蔬菜,芝麻菜也有防癌的成效。 Since Roman times, it has stopped growing as a vegetable in the Mediterranean, and now people all over the world are eating it. There is a kind of flavor like almond and even pepper. The older the leaves, the more mustard they taste. It is rich in β - carotene, potassium and vitamin C than other salad vegetables. As a cruciferous vegetable, arugula also has cancer prevention effect. 西洋菜(Watercress) Watercress 又名豆瓣菜、水田芥,滋味辛辣,普通搭配其它肉类、蔬菜和水果,特别是柑橘类一同吃。看到图片以后发现:中国人也不断吃啊!我小时分吃肉丸子汤里面就有它!清炒也能够,十分嫩。但是跟豆苗一样,西式沙拉里用的更纤细一些。 Also known as watercress and watercress, it tastes spicy. It is usually eaten with other meat, vegetables and fruits, especially citrus. After seeing the pictures, I found that: Chinese people also eat constantly! I used to eat meatball soup when I was a kid! Stir fried, very tender. But like bean sprouts, Western salads are much slimmer. 野苣( M?che) Chicory (M? Che) 滋味温和,叶片像汤勺,柔软小巧,极易腐朽,所以并不常见,卖得也贵。通常搭配油腻的沙拉汁,和比利时菊苣、坚果等一同食用。 Mild taste, leaves like spoons, soft and small, very perishable, so not common, also sold expensive. Usually with the greasy salad juice, with the Belgian chicory, nuts, etc. 济南曲堤生菜球常年代收批发(生菜球/生菜球苗销售电话★13964174712)本公司生菜球产自济阳县曲堤镇,地处黄河下游冲积平原。当地依托自主创新的秸秆反应堆技术给生菜球提供充足的二氧化碳,通过光合作用,让生菜球在无需化学肥料、农药的基础上达到品质高低碳无污染的目的。再加上受气候、土壤、日照等因素影响,产出的生菜球色泽鲜亮、条直刺密、清脆甘甜,属于瓜中上品。“曲堤牌”生菜球是曲堤镇精心打造的品牌,以其品种优、色泽鲜艳、口感好、无公害等优势被评为无公害食品。 曲堤生菜球公司常年销售曲堤生菜球,多年来赢得了全国各地众多客户的好评和支持。公司多年来一直秉承“诚信合作,信誉好,价格合理”的原则,希望广大客户前来合作! 如有需要批发生菜球、生菜球蔬菜,生菜球苗的,可联系电话 13964174712 或15006407571,我们会给你价格上的优惠的。 联系人:盛经理 联系电话1:13964174712 联系电话2:15006407571