厂商 :广州欧亚智库科技有限公司
广东 广州市- 主营产品:
- 除装修污染产品
- 空气净化剂
- 除菌香氛

产品名称: 森客SENKE除菌除螨除异味喷雾 净含量:350ML 成分:去离子水、阳离子抗菌剂、植物抑螨素、植物提取精油等 抑菌率:实验室环境下抑菌率达99.9% 抑菌效果: 实验室环境下有效抑菌24小时以上 适用菌种:金黄色葡萄球菌、大肠杆菌、白色念珠菌 使用方法:将喷雾喷洒到需要除菌、除螨的物体表面即可 注意事项:请放置于阴凉通风处保存;请妥善保管,放置于儿童不易接触的地方;外用产品,请勿吞服;避 免接触眼睛 使用范围:本产品适用于布艺沙发、床垫、床单、枕头、衣物、地毯等织物用品,亦可用于橱柜、玩具、家居硬表面、玩具等的除菌、除螨和除异味 Product Name: SENKE? Anti-bacteria, Anti-mite Anti-odor Spray Net Content: 350ML Ingredients: deionized water, po sitive ion antibacterial agent, plant demodicidin, plant extracted essence oil, etc. Bacteria Removal Rate: the bacterial removal rate reaches 99.9% under laboratory environment. Antibacterial Effect: The effective antimicrobial time may reach 24 hours under laboratory environment. Applicable Bacterial Strain: staphylococcus aureus, escherichia coli, candida albicans. Directions: spray the mist spray on object surface where bacteria and mite is removed. Cautions: put it at a cool and ventilated place for storage and keep it properly and out of the reach of Children. For external use; forbid swallowing. A void contacting eyes. Usable Range: the product is applicable to bacteria, mite and odor removal of fabric sofas, mattresses, bed sheets, pillows, clothes, carpet and other fabric products and may also be used cupboards, toys, hard surfaces of household, toys, etc.

除装修污染产品 空气净化剂 除菌香氛