厂商 :成都熊谷加世电器有限公司
四川 成都市- 主营产品:
- 管道全自动焊
- 全位置焊机
- 野外自动焊

Function: It is suitable for root pass, hot pass, filling and capping of pipeline welding by GMAW/FCAW-GS/GTAW welding processes. It can also conduct all position welding of various workpiece if various bands/tracks are installed. 功能:可用于管道根焊、热焊、填充焊和盖面焊,适合GMAW/FCAW-GS/GTAW三种焊接工艺。配置不同轨道也适合其它工件的全位置焊接需求。 Configuration:Welding head, adapter, portable panel, control cables, welding power source (to be selected according to specific welding process) 配置:焊接小车、适配器、手持遥控盒、控制线缆;焊接电源(根据客户工艺需要选配) Features: Chinese/English/Russian language interface. Height of welding head is lower, it is more suitable for pipe prefabrication and pipeline construction in urban area where there is a limit to operation space. The machine is operated via portable panel to reduce the welder's labor intensity. It is designed with built-in welding expert database, available to call corresponding welding parameters according to access level. The system realize smooth transition of welding parameters of each pass and precise all position welding. Interface of WIFI and QR code scanning gun are reserved, it is capable of providing remote technical services and data transmission in the cloud to realize convenient real time quality control. Automatic arc tracking (optional) function is reserved. One welding head is able to complete welding of the whole pipe joint when welding small diameter pipe. The system is capable of conducting all position welding of pipe of diameter larger than 168mm and all position welding of workpiece with cambered surface and flat surface if various bands/tracks are installed. 特点: 中/英/俄文操作界面; 小车高度更低,更适合工艺管道预制、城市管道施工对狭窄操作空间的需求; 手持遥控盒操作,全面降低焊工劳动强度; 系统内置焊接数据库,可根据权限修改调用相应的焊接参数; 系统实现每层焊接参数的平滑过渡与全位置焊接; 预留WIFI、扫码器接口;可以提供远程技术服务与数据云端传输,方便实时质量管理; 预留有自动电弧跟踪功能(选配); 本系统焊接小管时可以一台小车完成整道口的焊接; 更换不同轨道,可以适应直径168mm以上的管道、弧面、直面等工件的全位置焊接。 Main Technical Parameters主要技术参数 型号 Model A-305 产品代码 Product ID 4354000000 适应管道直径 Applicable pipe diameter >Φ168 mm 行走速度 Travelling speed 0.1~1.5 m/min 送丝速度 Wire feeding speed 2.5~25 m/min 每组分段数 Number of section in one group 1~180 Sections 焊炬摆动宽度 Oscillation width 0~20 mm 焊炬摆动形式 Oscillation mode Linear oscillation/pendulum oscillation 焊丝盘重量 Weight of wire spool 2.7kg/5kg 环境温度 Ambient temperature -40~55℃ 海拔高度 Altitude 4000m 防护等级 IP Rating IP54 小车重量 Weight 13.5kg 外形尺寸(宽×深×高) Dimensions (L×W×H) 600mm×350mm×250mm

管道全自动焊 全位置焊机 野外自动焊