厂商 :佛山市南海九洲普惠风机有限公司-总公司
广东 佛山市- 主营产品:
- 负压风机
- 三合产品
- 新风系统
It is suitable for ventilation and fire control of tall buildings, subway tunnel, underground stores, gymnasia, etc. This fan is set up with double-speed motor, it operates at a low speed normally and used for ventilation. Once occurrence afire, the fan is automatically transferred into high-speed and discharge smoke by the electric
control system, which facilitates safe evacuation of personnel on the fire spot The transporting medium is air or other non-spontaneous- combustion and non-explosive- combustion air with no harm to
human. The air transferred shall not contain any adhesive material dust and grain and the concentration shall not exceed 150mg/m3 when the temperature shall not exceed 80C. When used for fire
control. the fans can run more than 30 minutes continually under the condition that the air and smoke temperature is at 280C
- 九洲普惠通风机 离心通风机 GDF型离心式管道风机 工厂直销 环保工程
- 九洲普惠轴流通风机工厂直销FT35-11型玻璃钢轴流通风机类目
- FT35-11型玻璃钢轴流通风机类目
- 九洲普惠管道风机工厂直销噪音低风量大耗电少结构少
- 九洲普惠通风机SLG型离心式管道风机噪音低、风量大、耗电少、结构少 九洲普惠通SLG型离心式管道风机
- Y5-47锅炉离心引风机离心风机工业风机除尘风机九洲普惠通风机工厂直销
- Y5-47锅炉离心引风机离心风机工业风机除尘风机九洲普惠通风机工厂直销
- Y5-47锅炉离心引风机九洲普惠通风机工厂直销离心风机工业风机除尘风机
- 壁式通风机设备厂九州惠普壁式通风机设备工厂直销 节能环保工程
- 壁式通风机设备厂九州惠普通风机工厂直销 节能环保工程