Radial JDV MK5

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Radial JDV MK5神奇-高端专业级DI直插盒批发零售 隔离变压器 消除接地回路的噪声DI直插盒 吉他DI盒 Radial DI直插盒


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JDV MK5神奇-高端专业级DI直插盒


100%A 类离散式零相位抵消电路驱动

u 前端反馈设计,无负反馈

u 可控制负载信号,处理“拖拉”的有害信号,获得自然声

u 内部电压 30V 提升系统,以获得驱动电路更好的工作


u 广播级+4dB 线路电平输出接口

u 内置 360 度相位校正器

10 兆欧姆压电传感器输入

u 独特书本式设计,保护控制旋钮不受外界撞击的伤害

u 军用级 14 规格钢材焊接制,使电路板不会发生扭转

u 底部防滑垫处理,提供物理机械隔离和电气绝缘



u 频率响应:20Hz-20kHz

u 动态范围:>107dB

u 背底噪声:-99dB

u 等效输入噪声:-90dBu

u 输入电平:+17dB

u 乐器输入电平:+25dB

u 话筒输入电平:+25dB

u 相位偏差:-0°@1KHz

u 互调失真:0.004%

u 输入阻抗:220k?-?"input

u 输出阻抗:400Ω

u 可 48V 幻象供电

u 电源:110V-230V 交流

u 可尺寸:127x159x51mm

u 重量:1.28Kg


JDV Dual-input Active Direct Box


Dual-input Active Direct Box

Active Direct Box, Preamp, & Input Switcher

The Radial JDVis a premium active direct box and preamp that features two inputs that can handle almost any source, from active and passive instruments, to microphones and piezo transducers.

100% discrete class-A active direct box

Combine instrument and microphone inputs and phase-align

Drag Control load correction for natural tone

Huge 30-Volt rails for exceptional headroom

The direct box that does it all

The JDV makes no compromises on available features or audio quality, opting instead to provide anything you could ever ask of a high-performance DI box. Designed for studio recording or pro-touring applications, the JDV provides exceptional headroom with massive 30-Volt internal rails, resulting in virtually zero distortion and producing an incredibly transparent and natural representation of your instrument. It has two inputs which can be individually selected or blended together and phase-aligned, with the ability to handle condenser mic's, piezo transducers, and the outputs of effectively any instrument. The balanced output can be set to mic or line-level, allowing you to bypass an additional preamp and connect directly to a recording interface for pristine studio recordings.

JDV Specifications

The Radial JDV is unlike any other direct box made today. The absence of phase cancelling negative feedback in the front end combined with 100% discrete class-A electronics results in an astonishing clarity that is unmatched. The addition of switchable Jensen isolation transformers add yet another dimension by adding natural compression when pushed into saturation. The resulting tone can be observed in the FFT graph showing a warm cascade of even harmonics that will please even the most demanding audiophile.


Block Diagram



Audio circuit type: Proprietary analog circuit with low-noise op-amp

Number of channels: 2

Frequency response: 20Hz - 20KHz

Dynamic range: 107db

Gain: +25db

Clip Level: +17dBu

Total harmonic distortion: 0.004%

Input Impedance: Drag on: Variable from 22K ~ 500K Drag off: 10M ?

Output Impedance: 400 ?

Common Mode Rejection Ratio: -80dB

Equivalent Input Noise: -90dbu


Input pad, 180° polarity reverse, Ground lift, HPF, Drag Control, Level Control, Phase Adjustment, Phantom Power, Remote Footswitch

Input Connectors: 2 x unbalanced 1/4", Mic Input unbalanced 1/4"

Output Connectors: XLR, 1/4" thru

Extras: Tuner Output


Construction: 14-gauge steel chassis and outer shell

Size (L x W x D): 5" x 6.25" x 2" (127 x 159 x 51mm)

Weight: 2.80lbs (1.28 kg)

Power: External 100V - 240V AC with 48V phantom

Conditions: For use in dry locations only between 5°C and 40°C

Warranty: Radial 3-year, transferable
