厂商 :东莞市樟木头镇德胜工程塑胶经营部
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联系电话 :13537069891
东莞市德胜工程塑胶原料有限公司,是一家专业从事塑胶原料贸易的五星诚信企业。我公司自2006年成立以来,一直秉承、客户至上、诚信为本、合作共赢、以最优质产品,及诚信服务、假一赔十的经营理念以及声誉。与多家企业建立了长期的合作关系,在塑胶原料销售行业中, 多年以来赢得了良好的口碑。并深受广大新老客户的信赖,我们的成长离不开您的支持,与您携手更是我们的骄傲。真诚感谢、新老客户多年对我们公司默默的支持以及信赖。在今后合作的岁月里,希望能够继续得到新老客户的关心和支持。新老客户的满意就是我们公司永恒的追求,我们将一如既往为新老客户提供,最优质的产品、最真诚的服务、诚信、来回报您们。我公司真诚祝愿,各位新老客户朋友们,身体健康、财源广进、家庭幸福、万事如意!热诚欢迎新老客户朋友们前来参观、考察、洽谈业务。
TPEE Hytrel 6386同系列通用型号
Hytrel 3078 A 30 nom. Shore D, non discoloring stabilizer, plasticiser free specialty resin for conventional thermoplastic techniques like molding, melt casting and extrusion; outstanding impact resistance down to -40°C.
Hytrel 4053FG A low modulus high performance thermoplastic elastomer with food compliance specificity. It is suitable for extrusion and injection molding processes.
Hytrel 4056 A 40 nom. Shore D, containing non-discoloring stabilizer, low melting, plasticiser free, high performance resin for extrusion and compounding; with high impact resistance down to -40°C as well as excellent mechanical properties.
Hytrel 4068 A 40 nom. Shore D, containing non-discoloring stabilizer, plasticiser free, high performance resin for injection molding and extrusion; with outstanding impact resistance down to -40°C.
Hytrel 4068FG A high performance thermoplastic polyester elastomer with food compliance specificity.
Hytrel 4069 A 40 nom. Shore D, containing non-discoloring stabilizer, plasticiser free, high performance resin for injection molding and extrusion; with outstanding impact resistance down to -40°C as well as good mechanical properties up to 110°C.
Hytrel 4556 A 45 nom. Shore D, containing non-discoloring stabilizer, plasticiser free, high performance resin for injection molding and extrusion; with outstanding impact resistance down to -40°C and consistent mechanical properties between -40°C and 110°C.
Hytrel 5526 A 55 nom. Shore D, containing non-discoloring stabilizer, plasticiser free, high performance resin for injection molding; high flow, good impact resistance down to -40°C as well as mechanical properties up to 120°C.
Hytrel 5555HS A 55 nom. Shore D, heat stabilised, plasticiser free specialty resin for injection molding and extrusion; good impact resistance down to -40°C as well as mechanical properties up to 135°C. Contains a discoloring antioxidant. Not suited for light-colored finished products.
Hytrel 5556 A medium modulus Hytrel? grade with nominal durometer hardness of 55D. It contains non-discoloring stabilizer. It can be processed by many conventional thermoplastic processing techniques like injection molding and extrusion.
Hytrel 6356 A 63 nom. Shore D, containing non-discoloring stabilizer, plasticiser free, high performance resin for injection molding and extrusion; outstanding mechanical properties up to 120°C and excellent oil, hydraulic fluids and grease resistance.
Hytrel 7246 A 72 nom. Shore D, containing non-discoloring stabilizer, plasticiser free, high performance resin for injection molding and extrusion; outstanding mechanical properties up to 120°C, excellent hydrocarbon resistance and low permeability.
东莞市德胜工程塑胶原料有限公司,是一家专业从事塑胶原料贸易的五星诚信企业。我公司自2006年成立以来,一直秉承、客户至上、诚信为本、合作共赢、以最优质产品,及诚信服务、假一赔十的经营理念以及声誉。与多家企业建立了长期的合作关系,在塑胶原料销售行业中, 多年以来赢得了良好的口碑。并深受广大新老客户的信赖,我们的成长离不开您的支持,与您携手更是我们的骄傲。真诚感谢、新老客户多年对我们公司默默的支持以及信赖。在今后合作的岁月里,希望能够继续得到新老客户的关心和支持。新老客户的满意就是我们公司永恒的追求,我们将一如既往为新老客户提供,最优质的产品、最真诚的服务、诚信、来回报您们。我公司真诚祝愿,各位新老客户朋友们,身体健康、财源广进、家庭幸福、万事如意!热诚欢迎新老客户朋友们前来参观、考察、洽谈业务。
TPEE Hytrel 6386同系列通用型号
Hytrel 3078 A 30 nom. Shore D, non discoloring stabilizer, plasticiser free specialty resin for conventional thermoplastic techniques like molding, melt casting and extrusion; outstanding impact resistance down to -40°C.
Hytrel 4053FG A low modulus high performance thermoplastic elastomer with food compliance specificity. It is suitable for extrusion and injection molding processes.
Hytrel 4056 A 40 nom. Shore D, containing non-discoloring stabilizer, low melting, plasticiser free, high performance resin for extrusion and compounding; with high impact resistance down to -40°C as well as excellent mechanical properties.
Hytrel 4068 A 40 nom. Shore D, containing non-discoloring stabilizer, plasticiser free, high performance resin for injection molding and extrusion; with outstanding impact resistance down to -40°C.
Hytrel 4068FG A high performance thermoplastic polyester elastomer with food compliance specificity.
Hytrel 4069 A 40 nom. Shore D, containing non-discoloring stabilizer, plasticiser free, high performance resin for injection molding and extrusion; with outstanding impact resistance down to -40°C as well as good mechanical properties up to 110°C.
Hytrel 4556 A 45 nom. Shore D, containing non-discoloring stabilizer, plasticiser free, high performance resin for injection molding and extrusion; with outstanding impact resistance down to -40°C and consistent mechanical properties between -40°C and 110°C.
Hytrel 5526 A 55 nom. Shore D, containing non-discoloring stabilizer, plasticiser free, high performance resin for injection molding; high flow, good impact resistance down to -40°C as well as mechanical properties up to 120°C.
Hytrel 5555HS A 55 nom. Shore D, heat stabilised, plasticiser free specialty resin for injection molding and extrusion; good impact resistance down to -40°C as well as mechanical properties up to 135°C. Contains a discoloring antioxidant. Not suited for light-colored finished products.
Hytrel 5556 A medium modulus Hytrel? grade with nominal durometer hardness of 55D. It contains non-discoloring stabilizer. It can be processed by many conventional thermoplastic processing techniques like injection molding and extrusion.
Hytrel 6356 A 63 nom. Shore D, containing non-discoloring stabilizer, plasticiser free, high performance resin for injection molding and extrusion; outstanding mechanical properties up to 120°C and excellent oil, hydraulic fluids and grease resistance.
Hytrel 7246 A 72 nom. Shore D, containing non-discoloring stabilizer, plasticiser free, high performance resin for injection molding and extrusion; outstanding mechanical properties up to 120°C, excellent hydrocarbon resistance and low permeability.
阻燃PET/美国杜邦/515C阻燃PET/美国杜邦/515CS 增强级 耐高温 高流动 PET塑胶原料
PA66美国首诺R533 注PA66美国首诺R533 注塑级耐高温 电子电器部件运动器材 原厂原包塑级
PA66/美PA66/美国首诺/R633 耐高温 耐磨 耐候 抗化学性国首诺/R633 耐
PA66/美国首诺/R533T PA66/美国首诺/R533T 耐老化 耐高温 耐磨
PET 美国杜邦 925ST PET 美国杜邦 925ST BK509 汽车部件 电子电器部件 家电部件等
TPE/美国杜邦/40TPE/美国杜邦/4069 热稳定性 耐老化 高熔点 硬度40度 TPEE69 热稳
现货TPEE美国杜邦4056 热现货TPEE美国杜邦4056 热稳定性耐低温邵氏硬度D40 高性能聚酯弹