PE. EVO 食品级医用管

厂商 :衡水科恩橡塑制品贸易有限公司

河北 衡水市
  • 主营产品:
  • pvc 管
  • 橡胶管
  • 医用硅胶管
联系电话 :13785823226

Medical hose ventilator, medical hose, medical anesthesia machine hose, environmental protection transparent non-toxic. Breathing machine hose, medical anesthesia ventilator PVC hose, anesthesia machine hose, medical PVC hose, medical ventilator bellows, atomizer bellows


Conveying many liquids and gases. Also used as suds-pipes and protection of metal tubes, wooden doweling and yacht rigging. Suitable for food, medical and contact applications

 Temperature Range: -10 C to +65 C (14 F to 150 F)


Product features: soft material, easy bending; medical grade new material; surface gloss, chemical resistance, acid and alkali resistance. 

  Structure: wavy surface and inner wall. 

 Material: POE material, /PVC material, /PP material, /EVA material
