厂商 :汕头市宇达机械有限公司
- 主营产品:
- 旋转式压片机
- 口哨糖自动粘合机
- 双面带圆瓶定位贴机
联系电话 :13068984447
本机用以制药、食品行业为片剂、丸剂包襄糖衣。也可用作滚抄豆、果品类成熟之用。其特点是粮衣球的倾斜角度为水平向上30度,球下可以放置电炉、煤 气等直接加热设备,随机附单独的电热式鼓风机,出风管伸入球内可作加热或吹冷,热量可以分二档调节。糖衣球有不锈钢及铜质二种材料,供用户选用,
Product features
These machines sugarcoat the tablets and pills for pharmaceutical and food industries. II is also used forrolling and heating beans and edible nuts or seeds. As ils feature, the sugarcoaling round pot is elevated with aelevation 30'to the horizontal, the heater such as gas or eleclrlcal heater can place directly under the pol. Aseparated blower with electrical healer is provided with the machine. The pipe of the blower stretches into the potfor healing or cooling purp ose. The thermal capacw can be selected in two levels.