
厂商 :梧州市长洲区昭华宝石经营部

广西 梧州市
  • 主营产品:
  • 合成绿宝石
  • 高品质合成红宝
  • 人造钻石
联系电话 :13737886197

114# 尖晶








英文:synthetic quartz

合成水晶:根据珠宝玉石名称,国家标准(GB/T16552 - 2003)中,对人造水晶与合成宝石定义规定很清楚,人造宝石乃是指由人工制造且自然界已知无对应的品质与非晶质体。而合成宝石乃是指完全或者部分人工制造且自然界有已知对应物的晶质与非晶质,且物理性质、成分和晶体结构与所对应的天然宝石基本相同。显然把合成水晶称为人造水晶是不规范的称谓。再经精细的切割技术和绝无瑕疵的打磨功夫制造而成,晶体纯净透明,弥补了天然水晶的不足。由于人造水晶工序繁杂,有的售价甚至比天然水晶还要昂贵。

本公司长期生产及定做人造宝石包括 普通白色锆石、高质量白色,及普通彩色锆石,特殊彩锆(咖啡、绿锆、海蓝、宝石蓝、坦桑蓝等)尖晶刚玉系列 大小从0.8至30都可以生产加工!欢迎广大客户惠顾!

Cubic Zirconium
Cubic zirconium (or CZ) is based on zirconium oxide (ZrO2), a mineral that is extremely rare in nature but is widely synthesized. Generally, Cubic Zirconium is the name given to the family of monocrystals, created on the base of high temperature oxides. The synthesized material is hard, optically flawless and usually colorless, but may be made in a variety of different colors.

Because of its low cost, durability, and close visual likeness to diamond, synthetic cubic zirconium has been the most gemologically and economically important diamond simulation. It can be produced either transparent or opaque in nearly any color and can be faceted in many cuts. Its main competition as a synthetic gemstone is the more recently cultivated material moissanite.

Cubic zirconium is, as its name would imply, crystallographically isometric. Synthesized material contains a certain mole percentage (10-15%) of metal oxide stabilizer, typically Yttrium oxide. In colored CZ other oxides are added to produce the colors. The stabilizer is required for cubic structure formation; otherwise zirconium oxide would form monoclinic crystals during synthesis. The amount and the type of stabilizer used depend on the recipes of individual manufacturers. Therefore the physical and optical properties of synthesized CZ vary, all values being ranges

Cubic Zirconium
Cubic zirconium (or CZ) is based on zirconium oxide (ZrO2), a mineral that is extremely rare in nature but is widely synthesized. Generally, Cubic Zirconium is the name given to the family of monocrystals, created on the base of high temperature oxides. The synthesized material is hard, optically flawless and usually colorless, but may be made in a variety of different colors.

Because of its low cost, durability, and close visual likeness to diamond, synthetic cubic zirconium has been the most gemologically and economically important diamond simulation. It can be produced either transparent or opaque in nearly any color and can be faceted in many cuts. Its main competition as a synthetic gemstone is the more recently cultivated material moissanite.

Cubic zirconium is, as its name would imply, crystallographically isometric. Synthesized material contains a certain mole percentage (10-15%) of metal oxide stabilizer, typically Yttrium oxide. In colored CZ other oxides are added to produce the colors. The stabilizer is required for cubic structure formation; otherwise zirconium oxide would form monoclinic crystals during synthesis. The amount and the type of stabilizer used depend on the recipes of individual manufacturers. Therefore the physical and optical properties of synthesized CZ vary, all values being ranges

