厂商 :深圳市龙岗区诚芯微科技有限公司
广东 深圳- 主营产品:
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- 旅充IC
- 单片机开发
CW3047限流识别IC USB控制开关 多口充电器协议
CW3047是一款识别加限流IC,可自动识别充电设备类型,支持多种智能手机,在保护充电设备前提下节省充电时间。 并具有超低导通阻抗、短路保护电流可设置的防止电源短路和过流的保护器件,集成过温保护功能,关断自动泄放功 能并能阻断反向电流传输。
● 支持单路Apple Divider2/Divider3(10W/12W)模式可配置
● 支持多种USB充电协议,各充电协议自动切换:
2 Divider1/Divider2/Divider3充电协议(苹果专用)
2 D+/D–置1.2V模式(三星专用)
2 BC1.2 DCP及CTIS YD/T 1591-2009充电协议
● 可靠的上电复位(POR)及低压复位(LVR)性能
● 过温自动关断和重启
● 电流过流响应时间为2us
● 关断自动泄放功能
● 最大限流值:2.4A
The CW3047 is the USB charging controller IC integrated output current limitationfunction.CW3047 is fully compatible with BC1.2 and other non-BC1.2 standards like YD/T1591-2009, Apple charging specification (for iPad & iPhones) and specs from Samsung Galaxy family.The IC is used to facilitate charging procedure when most of the mainstream handheld devices are detected.A 21mΩ power-distribution switch is integrated to provide protection from port in-rush current or short-circuit.The CW3047 is suitable for all the charger products using USB interface like power bank, wall adapter, multi-port USB adapter. The IC is provided with enhanced ESD protection up to +/-8kV with application on D+/D-Pins.
● 多口USB 超级充电器