
厂商 :上海茂培电子科技有限公司

上海 上海
  • 主营产品:
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  • dwyer温湿度计
  • dwyer液位计
联系电话 :15221105376

我司为Dwyer品牌代理,专业销售压力、温度、湿度、流量、液位等仪器仪表、控制显示仪表、测试仪表、环境仪表、阀门、执行器,其他品牌有Extech Omega Siemens Gems Setra belimo等 欢迎咨询!

The SERIES RHP-E/N Wall Mount Humidity/Temperature/Dew Point Transmitter is the
most versatile room transmitter on the market. The stylish housing is well vented to
provide air flow across the sensor to improve measurement accuracy.
The humidity and the dew point are measured using a capacitive polymer sensor. The
humidity and dew point can have either a current or voltage output, while the optional
temperature output can be a current, voltage, RTD or thermistor. For models with
current or voltage for the temperature output, the temperature range is field selectable.
