厂商 :辽阳瑞博石油化工有限公司
辽宁 辽阳市- 主营产品:
- 润滑油
- 五金工具
- 轮胎
联系电话 :13841977280
Pentosin Spindel?l 4
Pentosin Spindel?l 4 为基础的特殊锭子油,它是由润滑性优异的特点,一个非常高的耐氧化性,防锈和防腐蚀保护的低粘度矿物油。基础油的选择保证了机器使用寿命和机器的长期精度。对于高速主轴和轴的润滑滑动或滚动轴承开发,可以用来在精密机床用的电液控制系统。
Pentosin Spindel?l 4 is a low viscosity mineral oil based special spindle oil, which is characterized by excellent lubricity, a very high oxidation resistance, rust –and corrosion protection. The selection of base oil guarantees a long machine life and long-term precision of the machines. The product contains active ingredients that prevent the formation of foam. www.liaoyangruibo.com
