厂商 :辽阳瑞博石油化工有限公司
辽宁 辽阳市- 主营产品:
- 润滑油
- 五金工具
- 轮胎
PolarZone Universal
通用防冻剂和冷却液是优质乙二醇防冻液。根据发动机冷却液与低硅酸盐腐蚀抑制剂制成。此产品保护冷却剂系统金属,包括热拒绝铝对点蚀气蚀和腐蚀造成的。它提供了特殊冷却在夏天和冬天冷的出色防护。它推荐使用较旧的模型国内和国外汽车和轻型卡车,并将提供达 80000公里或2年时已安装作为初始填充或之后完成的同花顺和清洗冷却系统合理条件下的使用寿命。防止冬季结冰和夏季沸腾了。
Universal antifreeze and coolant ethylene glycol antifreeze is high quality. According to the engine coolant made with low silicate corrosion inhibitors. This product protects metal coolant systems, including heat rejected to cavitation pitting and corrosion caused by aluminium. It provides excellent protection for special cooling in the summer and cold in winter. It is recommended to use the older models of domestic and foreign cars and light trucks, and will provide up to 80,000 km or 2 years when installed as flush initial or after filling and cleaning the cooling system under reasonable conditions of service life. Prevent icing in winter and summer boils. www.liaoyangruibo.com