厂商 :广州市荔湾区帝金御家居用品经营部
广东 广州- 主营产品:
- 家居定制
- 橱柜
- 衣柜
联系电话 :18565251785
游艇厨房设计,来自中国设计师Rocky 赖,它的设计灵感来至于游艇,外观从单块转变为时尚餐具柜;从一件艺术家具到厨房,钻石切割设计的洗菜盆与可调节的桌子,在中间一个升降的隐藏咖啡机,除了所有这些,你还可以创建一个轻松的休息区。

Super Yacht kitchen design, from the Chinese designer Rocky lai, its design inspiration to the yacht, the appearance from the single into a stylish tableware; from an art furniture to the kitchen, diamond cutting design of the wash basin with adjustable table, In the middle of a lift of the hidden coffee machine, in addition to all these, you can also create a relaxing lounge area.