厂商 :广州陆新建材有限公司
广东 广州- 主营产品:
- 铝方通
- 铝单板
- 铝蜂窝板
联系电话 :18988914500

铝镁锰合金 Al-Mg-Mn,铝镁锰板,铝镁锰合金板
High cost performance roof and facade materials
Aluminum alloy is widely used in building materials industry, and it greatly contributes to the modern building industry in terms of conform, lightness, durability, economy, environment protection.
Due to the advantages of medium strength, weathering resistance, waterlogging tolerance, easy to be bending and welded, AA3004 Alu-Mg-Mn alloy (AlMg1Mn1), it is widely recognized as a kind of roofing and walling materials which meet 50 years expected life span. For stronger corrosion resistance requirement, 5052 type aluminum alloy could be adopted for buildings in oceanic climate areas.

厂家供应 铝天花 铝镁锰金属屋天花板 防火压延屋面铝板天花吊顶 铝镁锰金属屋板
生产厂家供应 铝波纹板墙面板 铝合金波纹板墙面装饰板
广州厂家热销优质铝蜂窝板 石材蜂窝板金属集成建材批发
厂家供应铝蜂窝板 隔热铝蜂窝板 木纹铝蜂窝天花吊顶新型建材 木纹隔热铝蜂窝板
厂家直销广州铝蜂窝板大理石面铝蜂窝板 铝天花集成吊顶材料批发
广东铝蜂窝板厂 防火铝蜂窝瓦楞板天花吊顶厂家直销
厨柜配套铝蜂窝板 木纹铝蜂窝板 广东大型厂家铝蜂窝板直销 木纹铝蜂窝板直销
厂家直销冲孔石材铝蜂窝板隔墙板 隔音铝蜂窝板内墙板定做
广东厂家 铝天花板隔断 室内铝蜂窝墙板定制 批发 铝蜂窝板