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河北 石家庄- 主营产品:
竹中天然彩砂色系 膨润土 河北天然彩砂生产 真石漆价格 高岭土 白色天然彩砂
彩砂现分为天然彩砂、烧结彩砂、临时染色彩砂、永久染色彩砂。其特点是:颜色鲜艳、耐酸碱、耐紫外线、不褪色。 天然彩砂是 ,天然矿石粉碎而成,不褪色但是杂质色。
The color sand is divided into natural color sand, sintered color sand, temporary dyed colored sand, permanent dyed color sand. Its characteristics are: bright color, acid - alkali, UV - resistant, non - fading. Natural color sand is, natural ore is crushed and become, not faded but impurity color.
天然彩砂产品系列有:黑色系列彩砂,红色系列彩砂,黄色系列彩砂,白色系列彩砂,绿色系列彩砂等。 特点:我厂生产的天然彩砂经过精选加工而成,不含任何染料,具有无毒、无味、无污染、抗腐蚀、耐酸碱、抗暴晒、不变色等特点。
Natural color sand products are: black series color sand, red series color sand, yellow series color sand, white series color sand, green series color sand. Features: the natural color sand produced by our factory is selected and processed, without any dyes, it has the characteristics of non - toxic, tasteless, non - pollution, anti - corrosion, acid - alkali, anti - exposure, non - discoloration, and so on.
Natural color sand is: Chinese black, Chinese red, evergreen, folium rhododendri daurici, Beijing red, pink, orange, chicken red, liver red, hibiscus red, point red, dark green, green, apple green, phoenix green, gem green, apple green, three flowers, yellow fraction, yellow, cream - colored, yellow, golden yellow, yellow, tiger yellow, white white jade, white marble, grey jade, cloud grey, snow white, green dust and other natural color sand.
黑色系列彩砂: 天然优质中国黑花岗岩为原料,主要品种是中国黑彩砂,本品种应用广泛,用于装饰显的豪华高贵,有是彩砂中的精品。
Black series color sand: natural high quality Chinese black granite as raw materials, the main varieties are Chinese black color sand, this variety is widely used, used for decoration of the luxury and noble, and has the fine color sand.
Red series color sand: the natural high-quality red granite, marble as raw materials, the main varieties are pink color sand, lotus red color sand, liver red color sand, orange color sand, chicken red color sand, point red color sand. This variety is widely used in various industries, colorful, deeply welcomed by the users!
Yellow series color sand: this series has medium yellow color sand, cream - colored colored sand, floor yellow color sand, tiger skin color sand and so on.
White series color sand: this series has snow white color sand, white marble color sand, grass white jade color sand, and so on.
Green series color sand: this series has the gem green color sand, evergreen color sand, green color sand, green gray sand, and so on.