厂商 :东莞市美邦包装材料有限公司
广东 东莞- 主营产品:
- 母乳袋
- 盒中袋
- 液体吸嘴袋
Contact: Zhao Wei
TEL: 13763297007 (linear)
Thank you for your interest in our products independent suction nozzle bag attention!
Supply suction nozzle bag compound bag suction nozzle bag of material
Suction nozzle bag
thickness: 0.8-0.20 MM
Suction nozzle bag bear
weight: according to the suction nozzle bag of thickness to decide
Suction nozzle bag of applicable scope: laundry detergent, fruit juice, liquid and so on packing Suction nozzle bag types: aluminum foil suction nozzle bag, aluminum plating suction nozzle bag, vacuum suction nozzle bag, the high temperature water suction nozzle bag, liquid packaging suction nozzle bag, laundry detergent suction nozzle self-supporting bag, drinks suction nozzle bag, milk boiled suction nozzle bag, soya-bean milk suction nozzle bag, the tree infusion suction nozzle bag and so on
Suction nozzle bag specifications: 1-5 l
Suction nozzle bag of appearance: color printing 1-9 color
Suction nozzle bag is in the bag on the basis of the development of a new kind of drink, jelly bags. Suction nozzle bag of structure is mainly divided into two parts: suction nozzle and self-supporting bag. Self-supporting bag section and common four sealing side self-supporting bag in the structure are the same but the general use of the composite material to meet different requirements of food packaging. Suction nozzle part can be regarded as general sealing surface with straw. Two parts closely form support users beverage packaging, but also because is soft packing, there is no smoking difficult situation, after sealing content is not easy to move, is a very ideal new beverage packaging. Suction nozzle bag compared with common packaging forms of biggest advantage is portability. Suction nozzle bag to add backpack even pocket inside, but also with the contents of reduce reduced volume, more convenient to carry. Soft drinks on the market at present packaging, PET bottle, composite aluminum foil, cans as the main form, the homogenization competition becoming more and more obvious today, packaging improvement is undoubtedly one of the effective means of differentiation competition. Suction nozzle bag with the PET bottle of repeat packaging and composite aluminum foil fashion, at the same time in printing performance also has a traditional beverage packaging have incomparable advantage, because the self-supporting bag basic shape so suction nozzle bag display area significantly greater than PET bottle, and can't stand is better than that of tetra pak pillow type of packaging. Of course because of suction nozzle bag belong to the soft packaging category so it was not suitable for carbonated beverage packaging, but in fruit juice, dairy products, health drink, jelly foods has unique advantages.
The company produced all kinds of compound soft packaging, quality assurance, the price can be according to the customer request, the pattern changes to determine the specific details.
Welcome to consult the discussion

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