
厂商 :济南民港航空物流

山东 济南
  • 主营产品:
  • 航空货运
  • 空运
  • 济南机场货运
联系电话 :15662696697
航空禁止航运的物品2016-12-13 17:34:211、威胁航空飞行安全的物品,指在航空运输中,可能明显地危害人身健康、安全或对财产造成损害的物品或物质。 主要有以下几类: 1, a threat to the safety of aviation flight items, means in the air transport, may obviously endanger people's health, safety or damage to the property of goods or materials. There are mainly the following categories: A、爆炸品:如烟花爆竹、起爆引信等; A: such as fireworks, explosives, detonating fuse etc.; B、气体:如压缩气体、干冰、灭火器、蓄气筒(无排放装置,不能再充气的)、救生器(可自动膨胀的)等; B, gas such as compressed gas, dry ice, fire extinguisher, storage pump (no discharge device, non refillable), life-saving device (automatic expansion); C、易燃液体:如油漆、汽油、酒精类、机油、樟脑油、发动机起动液、松节油、天拿水、胶水、香水等; C: flammable liquids such as paint, gasoline, alcohol, oil, camphor oil, engine starting fluid, turpentine, thinner, glue, perfume etc.; D、易燃固体:自燃物质,遇水释放易燃气体的物质,如活性碳、钛粉、椰肉干、蓖麻制品、橡胶碎屑、安全火柴(盒擦的或片擦的)、干燥的白磷、干燥的黄磷、镁粉等; D, spontaneous combustion of flammable solids substances, water release of flammable gas substances, such as activated carbon, titanium powder, copra, castor products, rubber crumbs, safety matches (box or sheet rub rub), dry, dry white phosphorus yellow phosphorus, magnesium powder etc.; E、氧化剂和有机过氧化物:如高锰酸钾; E, oxidants and organic peroxide: such as Potassium Permanganate; F、毒性和传染性物品:如农药、锂电池、催泪弹等; F, toxic and infectious materials: such as pesticides, lithium batteries, such as tear gas; G、放射性物质; G, radioactive material; H、腐蚀品:如蓄电池、碱性的电池液。 H, corrosion products: such as battery, alkaline battery. I、未加消磁防护包装的磁铁、磁钢等含强磁的制品。 I, without product packaging, magnetic degaussing magnet with magnetic. 2、任何药品。 2, any drugs. 3、其它航空禁运品,如:粉末状物品 (不论何种颜色) 、液体(不论使用何种包装)、外包装有危险标志的货品、没有国家音像出版社证明的音像制品(含CD、VCD)、刀具、榴莲、带气火机、涉