厂商 :卓颖机械(上海)有限公司
上海 浦东新区- 主营产品:
- 卓颖
- 德斯兰
- 开山
Adsorption Air Dryer
Heatless Purge Desiccant Air Dryer
A、B吸附塔 Absorption twoer
1、2、3、4切换阀 Switch valve
5、消声器 Silencer
6、7 止回阀 Check valve
8 节流阀 Throttle
9 程序控制器 Program controller
According to the principal of PSA (Pressure Swing Adsorption), the moisture in the compressed air will be adsorbed and compressed with the special appetency of the sorbent on the steam. The machine is of two-tower structure. Under the control of PLC, the two towers will run alternately. One tower adsorb the moisture under high pressure air and another tower complete the desorption of steam with the dry air produced by itself, thus keeping running circularly.
Externally Heated Purge Desiccant Air Dryer
A、B吸附塔 Absorption tower
A1、A2、B1、B2切换阀 Switch valve
5、消声器 Silencer
3、4、6、7 止回阀 Check valve
8 节流阀 Throttle
9 程序控制器 Program controller
10 电加热器 Heating element

According to the principal of PSA (Pressure Swing Adsorption) and TSA (Temperature Swing Adsorption), the moisture in the air will be adsorbed and compressed with the special appetency of the sorbent on the steam. The machine is of two-tower structure. Under the control of PLC, the two towers will run alternately. One tower adsorb the moisture under high pressure and another tower complete the desorption of steam with the dry air produced by itself under low pressure and high temperature, thus keeping running circularly.
The air consumption of the machine is lower than the heatless regenerative dryer, but some electric power should be consumed to heat the regenerated air.