杜邦Vertrel SMT清洗剂

厂商 :上海锐一贸易有限公司

上海市 上海市
  • 主营产品:
  • Albemarle
  • 清洗剂
  • 杜邦清洗剂
联系电话 :18121210065

杜邦Vertrel SMT清洗剂
Vertrel  SMT specialty fluid
 DuPont  Vertrel  SMT specialty fluid is a proprietary azeotrope of Vertrel  XF with trans-1,2 dichloroethylene and methanol. It is ideal for use in a vapor degreaser with solvency power for cleaning ionic soils and flux residues from electronic assemblies.

Vertrel  SMT is widely used for the following applications:
Medium and Heavy Soil Removal
Light Soil Removal
Silicone Deposition and Tube Swelling
Precision Cleaning
Compatibility and Soils
Vertrel  SMT is compatible with most plastics and elastomers, and can be used to clean a wide variety of soils including flux residue, cutting oils, gear oils, heavy greases, hydraulic oils, stamping oils, synthetic oils, vacuum oils, waxes, and mineral oils.

Environmental Properties
Vertrel  has zero ozone-depletion potential. It is used extensively to replace CFC-113, methyl chloroform, hydrochlorofluorocarbons (HCFCs), and perfluorocarbons (PFCs) in several applications.
Vertrel  SMT has been accepted by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) under the Significant New Alternatives Policy (SNAP) program, as a substitute for ozone-depleting substances. The methanol component of Vertrel  SMT is considered a hazardous air pollutant (HAP) and, therefore, subject to NESHAP regulations. Methanol is included in the SARA Title III Section 313 list of toxic chemicals, and is subject to SARA Title III (EPCRA) reporting requirements.
The components of Vertrel  SMT are listed in the TSCA inventory. One component, HFC-43-10mee, is subject to the Significant New Use Rule (SNUR) and should be used only in the applications indicated in the Vertrel  SMT MSDS regulatory section.

Flammability and Toxicity
Vertrel  SMT exhibits no closed-cup flash point in accordance with the Pensky-Martens Closed Cup Tester (ASTM D-93) and is not classified as a flammable liquid by NFPA or DOT. However, the product does exhibit vapor flammability limits in air. Users should clear equipment of all vapors and liquids before performing any maintenance operations that may result in an ignition source.
Flash point data and limits of flammability in air provide the user with additional information that should be used as elements of a fire risk assessment and to determine guidelines for safe handling of volatile chemicals. Users should ensure compliance with NFPA standards and local fire codes.
Acute toxicity studies show that Vertrel  SMT has low toxicity. It could pose a slight skin and eye irritation and has low inhalation toxicity. For exposure limits please refer to the Vertrel  SMT brochure.

上海锐一公司是一家专业从事ODS(臭氧破坏物质)替代, 致力於氟利昂系列产品的替代技术服务及销售服务的公司。主要业务是环保产品的推广与技术支持,包括氟利昂替代品制冷剂、环保清洗剂、塑料添加剂等。代理了多家全球著名公司相关产品。在精密清洗替代技术上,有自主研发能力,为客户提供综合氟利昂替代方案,以及化学品综合供应方案。


公司秉承“专业、诚信、值得信赖”的经营理念,致力于环保科技事业,提供世界一流的产品及服务。我们多年的经验积累,我们的专业 和不断地创新,我们的诚信和优质服务,得到了各行业客户的一致肯定和好评,为企业赢得了卓越的商誉。


安全第一: 不折不扣的执行

诚信正直: 诚实、公平、尊重和安全一样至关重要

客户满意: 我们的未来取决于我们帮助客户取得成功。我们积极主动并富于合作精神,提供专业和切实可行的解决方案帮助客户成功

员工参与: 我们培养一种鼓励卓越绩效、团队协作、参与、领导和成长的文化氛围 

创新:     我们相信永远有更好的办法。我们鼓励变革并寻求它所带来的机遇

可持续性: 我们通过产品、技术、服务、经营,参与倡导环保,减少污染,以改善环境,造福全社会。






制冷业务:  我司与中央空调系统、汽车及家用空调成功合作多年,特别是中央空调、工业冷冻等的售后市场有着流畅并成功的合作,市场遍及全国。经销DupontArkema HoneywellMexichem以及国内的中化、巨化等著名公司产品。

清洗业务:  我司代理3MAlbemarleArkemaAsahi Glass等的各类环保清洗溶剂,并与全球著名清洗机器厂家成功合作,如Branson, Crest, Kerry等,共同为客户提供清洗综合解决方案。主要应用于印刷线路板清洗、金属及其零部件清洗、液晶显示器清洗、精密清洗(包括电子器件、光学部件、航天航空设备器件、医用器械零部件、塑料件等),用于去除油脂、腊、松香助焊剂、指纹汗渍、颗粒等诸多领域


