厂商 :山东鲁跃泵业科技有限公司
山东 淄博市- 主营产品:
- 液压排抽砂泵
- 潜水渣浆泵
- 液下渣浆泵
1、 吸气口Air inlet port:连接木工雕刻机吸附管道,外径47mm;
Connects the carpentry engraving machine adsorption pipeline, outer diameter 47mm;
2、 除尘罩Removes dust the cover:防止木屑等杂物进入泵内;
Prevents sundry goods and so on sawdust to enter in the pump;
3、 止回阀Check valve:停机时,防止泵内的水回流到设备内;
When engine off, prevents in pump's water backflow to the equipment in;
4、 进水管Water inlet pipe:向泵内注入工作液(水),设备产生真空;
Pours into the driving fluid to the pump in (water), equipment cavitation;
5、 进水阀门Inlet valve gate:控制工作液的流量,开机之前必须完全打开阀门,并确保水已经进入泵内,才能启动真空泵;
Control driving fluid current capacity, before starting, must turn on the valve completely, and guaranteed that the water already entered in the pump, can start the vacuum pump;
6、 排水口Freeing port:在设备使用10天左右,排空水箱内的工作液,更换干净的软化水;
In the equipment uses about 10 days, evacuates in water tank's driving fluid, replaces the clean softened water;
7、 排气口Air vent:在吸附过程中产生的气体,通过排气口排入大气,排气口不可堵塞,不可接超过两米的管路,不可接直径低于5cm的管路,极易超负荷,损坏电动机;
Gas which produces in the adsorption process, disperses into the atmosphere through the air vent, the air vent cannot stop up, cannot meet surpasses two meters pipelines,Cannot meet the diameter to be lower than 5cm the pipeline,the extremely easy excess load, to damage the electric motor;
8、 上水位口On water level mouth:向水箱内加水,直到上水位口向外淌水为止,并在每天启动真空泵前定时加水,保证水箱内有充足的工作液。
Adds water to the water tank, drips water outward until on water level mouth, and before is starting the vacuum pump fixed time to add water every day, guaranteed that in the water tank has the sufficient driving fluid.
9、 水箱Water tank:盛放工作液。Puts the driving fluid abundantly.
10、 电动机Electric motor:采用380V,三相电动机,接线时请注意旋转方向。
Uses the 380V, three-phase motor, when the wiring please note the hand of rotation.
使用方法:Application method
1、 吸气口与雕刻机吸附管道连接,严格进行密封,防止泄露;
The air inlet port and the engraving machine adsorption pipeline connection, carries on the seal strictly, prevents the revelation;
2、 初次启动,用螺丝刀拨动电动机风扇,确保叶轮无卡滞;
Moves the electric motor ventilator with the screwdriver, guaranteed that the impeller does not have the freezing;
3、 连接电动机电源,并调整运转方向与所标相符;
The connection electric motor power source, and adjusts the revolution direction and the sign match case;
4、 向水箱内注水,直到上水位口淌水为止;Pours water to the water tank, drips water until on water level mouth;
5、 打开向泵内注水阀门,并等待三分钟,确保工作液流入泵内;
Opens pours water the valve to the pump, and waits for three minutes, guarantees in the driving fluid inflow pump;
6、 启动电动机,真空泵开始工作,吸附台面产生吸附效果。
The starting motor, the vacuum pump starts to work, adsorbs the floor to produce the adsorption results。
三.问题诊断Question diagnosis
1、真空泵不抽真空,The vacuum pump does not pull out the vacuum,主要原因Primary cause:工作液未进入泵腔,没有形成水环或吸气管路泄露;
The driving fluid has not entered the pump cavity, has not formed the pendular water ring or the inspiration pipeline revelation。
2、真空泵初次启动时电机不转,When vacuum pump primary start the electrical machinery does not transfer,主要原因Primary cause:由于叶轮与圆盘间隙非常小,生铁部件产生氧化,叶轮出项卡死现象,主要解决方法为打开电动机后端风扇护罩,用锤子轻击电动机后轴头,然后用手转动电动机风叶,确定转动后,装回风扇护罩,启动电动机。
Because the impeller and the disc gap is small, the pig iron part has the oxidation, the impeller outlay deactivation phenomenon, the main solution to turn on behind the electric motor the ventilator guard shield, after hammer tip electric motor the axle neck, then with the hand starting electric motor wind leaf, after determining the rotation, installs the return air fan guard cover, the starting motor.
3、真空泵吸力不足,The vacuum pump suction is insufficient,主要原因Primary cause:工作液进入量不足,检查进水管路;吸气管路出现泄露,检查吸气管路的密封性能。长时间未更换工作液,工作液中进入的大量木屑粉尘,影响了工作液质量,必须保持工作液为洁净的水。
The driving fluid inlet is insufficient, inspects the water inlet pipe road; The inspiration pipeline presents the revelation, the inspection inspiration pipeline's sealing property. The long time has not replaced the driving fluid, the massive sawdust dust which in the driving fluid enters, has affected the driving fluid quality, must maintain the driving fluid for the pure water.
4、真空泵噪音大,The vacuum pump noise is big主要原因Primary cause:吸气管路所有阀门关闭所致真空泵抽气达到极限,产生的气蚀声音,打开进气管路阀门噪音会消失。
Inspiration pipeline all valve closure result vacuum pump pumping air achieves the limit, produces the cavitation sound, will open the air admission pipeline valve noise to vanish。
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