厂商 :东莞禾盈通用零部件有限公司
广东 东莞- 主营产品:
- 塑料螺丝螺母
- 塑料铆钉
- 阻尼齿轮
联系电话 :18566171168
一、产品简图(Product sketch) | ||
产品型号:DL-13 颜色(color):黑色(black)白色(white) 单位(unit):mm 防火等级(Fireproofing level):(UL)94-V2
二、产品用途(Application) |
Widely applied in electronic industry, such as electric cooker, electric kettle, microwave oven, electric coffee pot,refrigerator, computer case, computer monitor, and spin button of TV; it hides on the door panel without handle, and function to open and close the door; it is also frequently used in vehicle ashtray, spectacle case, storage compartment,and distribution box. The door latch is small in size and occupies little space; it is easily to use with rotary damper and greatly upgrade the level of the products.
三、产品性能(Function) | ||
该产品为自锁式门扣开关,向下按则自动关闭,再次按下则自动打开,安装简易、使用方便,轻巧美观,不 影响面盖门的设计。
Self-latching design, push to open and lock, light and artistic, easily and conveniently to install and use, it doesn’tinfluence the design of the door panel
适用环境(Operating temperature):-30°+80° =======================================================
联系人:李小姐 |
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厂家供应 尼龙材质 包装配线器材 电线束线座 YJ-2X80 白色 举报 电线束线座YJ-2X80 白色
厂家供应优质旋钮 铝合金旋钮 开关旋钮 电位器旋钮 品质保证 X70 电位器旋钮X70
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厂家批发 尼龙材质塑料汽车扣件 塑胶汽车铆钉 KJ-01 白色
厂家批发高品质专业定制 环保尼龙材质塑胶PCB板间隔柱LCB-10本色