厂商 :厦门韦博国际英语
福建 厦门- 主营产品:
- 英语口语
- 交际英语
- 雅思
全球顶级教育出版机构麦格劳----希尔携“ALL---STAR”新书亮相中国。在上海与中国高端英语培训领导品牌—韦博国际英语达成合作协议,并正式命名新书为“WEB ALL-STAR”。据记者了解,这是麦格劳----希尔在中国大陆首次与合作伙伴联名出版教材。麦格劳----希尔大中华区总经理Joseph Chong 表示,麦将在未来五年内致力于向中国学习者提供更创新的教育产品。
韦博Allstar课程 是一套针对成人开发,以标准英文为基础,共包含四个级别的实用英文教程。此套商务英语课程采用McGraw Hill 出版社出版的All-Star系列课程,内容涵盖家庭,工作和社会等方面的常用话题。此套商务英语课程提倡通过视图法来学习生词,并配有大量图片辅助语言练习。课程进阶设计富有逻辑,课后练习形式丰富,适合不同学员的特质和需求。
Web AllStar is a four-level, standards- based English course for adult and young adult English learners featuring a picture-dictionary approach to vocabulary building. This course uses All-Star textbooks published by McGraw Hill Press, which presents family, work and community topics in each unit and provides bountiful application lessons in its workbooks, enabling customized language teaching for various of student needs. Its “big picture” scenes in each unit provide springboards to a wealth of activities developing all of the language skills and its accessible and predicable sequence of lessons systematically builds language and math skills around life-skill topics.
Intelligent Business Skills Book