厂商 :深圳市奥朗激光科技有限公司
广东 深圳- 主营产品:
* 激光切割头可承受2.0Mpa气体压力,适用于各种板材的切割,结构简单,调整方便。
* 采用国际高品质的我公司自主开发的数控系统,集成气路控制系统及所有的气动、传动元件全套进口,设计先进。
* CNC电气控制操纵台可随意移动,高度适中,操作方便。
* 精密数控机床,高刚性框架结构机身,具有良好的整体刚性、稳定性及动态性能;
* X、Y、Z三轴均采用日本三菱、松下等伺服电机驱动,性能好、响应快、免维护;
* 选用日本、韩国著名品牌的精密滚珠螺杆传递动力,精密滚动直线导轨导向及承载,确保机床的运行精确无误;
* 切割头正压吹气干燥除尘装置,保护镜片喷嘴不受烟尘污染以及低温结霜;
* 切割头自动跟踪调校与工件间的间距,维持固定的焦距以提升切割质量;
* 专门设置的抽风吸尘装置,维护作业环境免受烟尘污染。
* 高稳定性的标准工控机配置、USB接口、快速模拟量输入输出、快速数字量输入输出模块、外围设施的运行均由PLC逻辑控制。
* Windows视窗操作系统、我公司自主开发的激光机床专用CNC数控系统、激光功率控制、Z轴自动跟踪执行等控
* MCP机床控制面板、17”大屏幕的人机对话、标准键盘及鼠标作业、图形并中/英文界面方便操作。
* 构筑于AotoCad平台的配套的激光切割加工专用编程软件(AcadRcam)优化套排,人机交流互动,方便用户在AotoCad设计图平台上对绘制的图形进行入库、套排、路径优化、路径顺序、切割方向、切割起点等各种激光加工的工艺细节及方案处理。
* 内置切割专家数据系统,切割时可以自动或手动调用这些参数;还可根据经验建立客户自已的常用激光切割工艺数据库,操作时直接从中选取适宜的工艺方案。
AL - high power CO2 laser cutting machine
AOLang Laser diversified products are widely used in modern industry, color box, electronics, light industry and other kinds of die cutting plate processing; Such as carbon steel, stainless steel, aluminum alloy sheet metal cutting processing; Acrylic, plastic, composite materials and other kinds of non-metallic medium thickness plate cutting processing.
AL- 1000 w - 1000 w CO2 laser cutting machine for steel plate and various kinds of tailor-made heavy plate cutting processing industry. Stable airframe design, flexible actuator, form a complete set of laser cutting cut proprietary software, and the processing method, the efficiency and quality is far better than the traditional method of cutting, can work 24 hours a day, make the AL - CO2-1000-1500 - w be users of steel plate cutting processing technique.
AOLang Laser excellent products with excellent price performance ratio, help you easily cope with in the peer competition
Our products always have a like a tailor-made for you. We are laser application expert friends around you, your business partner.
AL - unique advantages 】 【 - 1000 w - 1500 w CO2 laser cutting machine of numerical control technology adopts the principle of "hybrid optical path" to carry on the design and manufacture, CNC laser cutting machine table operation mode for unidirectional sliding table,
Reduced the machine tool equipment covers an area of space, increase the movement stability and reliability in the cutting process, and reduces the cutting power is affected by light cjay nearly, ensure cutting gap uniformity, the school light and convenient maintenance.
AL - - 1000 w - 1000 w CO2 laser cutting machine of numerical control technology is configured with excellent performance of shaft fast flow CO2 laser, laser output beam, processing and transmission by the optical path of foreign trade system, then through cutting head focus, and cutting gas, blow to aid in the numerical control machine tool precision, driven by implementation of laser cutting and processing of various kinds of sheet metal and nonmetal.
* AL - - 1000 w - 1000 w CO2 laser cutting machine of numerical control technology in the control software running on Windows operating system, with CAD/CAM automatic programming and optimal layout suit cut function, and can identify various CAD graphics file. For ease of use, customers can also set up their own laser cutting technology in the system database, can be directly from the selection![](http://imgupload2.yihubaiying.com/imagestore201604123996812f-e5ce-4fd1-b663-1a49f5416206.jpg)