厂商 :广州硕祥包装材料有限公司
广东 广州- 主营产品:
- 包装盒
- 酒盒
- 烟盒

包装是品牌理念,产品特性,消费者心理的综合反映,并直接影响到消费者的购买欲,我们一直认为:“包装”除了保护产品、传达商品信息、方便使用、促进销 售、提高产品附加值的作用之外,更重要的一点是建立产品与消费者亲和力的有力手段。我们硕祥包装,侧重品牌全产品系列包装的识别架构规划,使包装实现体系 化,提升产品价值的终端表现。
Today we are in an economic globalization era, packaging and commodities have been integrated to a whole new level.
Packaging is the brand concept, product features, a comprehensive reflection of consumer psychology, and a direct impact on the consumer to buy.We always think: "Packaging" In addition to protection products, convey product information, promote sales and enhance the role of value-added products; more importantly, it is to establish a powerful means of affinity and consumer products. At Sunrise Printing, we have a full product line focuses on brand recognition packaging. We have an organize internal structure planning, modernize the packaging system to increase the performance of the product value.
Every risun's staff carries customer's trust and care to facechallenges. We depend on advanced equipment, perfect management system, innovative business ideas and with full confidence, we strive to create "one stop specialty packaging solutions" service platform.
薛先生(经理) 孔小姐(经理)
18620528672 13420235747
QQ:791605795 QQ:1097366889
定做广告挂历 福字挂历 吊牌挂历 免费设计
定制牛皮纸袋 手提袋 白卡黑卡激凸 烫金 广州厂家 免费设计
专业生产定制 精美手提礼品袋 手提纸袋 礼品包装袋定做
定制护肤品包装盒 蚕丝面膜包装纸 定做化妆盒 手提袋 定做化妆盒 手提袋 抽屉盒
供应:服装画册 企业宣传册定制印刷 精美小册子 商家主营
厂家订做 贡茶纸制包装盒、铁盒、普洱、铁观音、养生茶等礼盒 厂家订做
厂家 现货 定做 木质盒 硬纸盒 洋酒盒 红酒盒 质量款
广州实力厂家定做美白霜 米肌素 洁面乳 保湿霜等 化妆品瓶 套装 定做美白霜 米肌素 盒子
定制护肤品包装盒 蚕丝面膜包装纸