厂商 :深圳市海科技术有限公司
广东 深圳- 主营产品:
- 穿越机
- 航拍机
- 飞控
联系电话 :18575565361
规格参数1.尺寸:40*40*19mm2.电源:DC 5.V 买下请备注板子颜色和外壳颜色外壳有黑色不透和黄色半透板子有白色和黑色请备注下,我们好发货!黑色不透外壳链接:https://detail.1688.com/offer/520713676644.html?spm=
采用MPU6000 6轴陀螺仪,精度高,响应快.PCB已经留3个接口,用于升级,可以外接GPS, DSMX和DSM2小卫星和和Futaba S-BUS 接收机.OSD等等配件.cc3d控制响应非常的平滑,强于naza姿态。尤其在大风和高速时,响应非常迅速到位。


The CC3D board is an all-in-one stabilization hardware which runs the OpenPilot firmware. It can fly any airframe from fixed wing to an octocopter and is configured and monitored using the OpenPilot Ground Control Station (GCS) software.
CopterControl from the OpenPilot project introduces a new generation of multi-purpose aircraft stabilization platforms. The CC3D has been designed from the ground up to perform the following functions:
- a MultiRotor controller with auto-level, including TriCopters, QuadCopters and HexaCopters
- a Flybarless Helicopter controller with auto-level
- a Fixed Wing UAV controller
The CopterControl hardware has the following features:
Powerful STM32 32-bit microcontroller running at 90MIPs with 128KB Flash and 20KB RAM
3-axis high-performance MEMs gyros and 3-axis high-performance MEMs accelerometer
Tiny 36mmx36mm 4 layer PCB for superior electrical noise reduction and flight performance.
Software support for Windows, Mac and Linux
Direct high speed USB support with no drivers required, a truly plug and play device.
Spektrum satellite receiver support
Futaba S-BUS hardware support
Innovative Flexi-port technology for superior port flexibility
4Mbits on-board EEPROM for configuration storage
CopterControl from the OpenPilot project introduces a new generation of multi-purpose aircraft stabilization platforms. The CC3D has been designed from the ground up to perform the following functions:
- a MultiRotor controller with auto-level, including TriCopters, QuadCopters and HexaCopters
- a Flybarless Helicopter controller with auto-level
- a Fixed Wing UAV controller
The CopterControl hardware has the following features:
Powerful STM32 32-bit microcontroller running at 90MIPs with 128KB Flash and 20KB RAM
3-axis high-performance MEMs gyros and 3-axis high-performance MEMs accelerometer
Tiny 36mmx36mm 4 layer PCB for superior electrical noise reduction and flight performance.
Software support for Windows, Mac and Linux
Direct high speed USB support with no drivers required, a truly plug and play device.
Spektrum satellite receiver support
Futaba S-BUS hardware support
Innovative Flexi-port technology for superior port flexibility
4Mbits on-board EEPROM for configuration storage
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