厂商 :鹤山市沙坪永兴隆制伞厂
广东 江门市- 主营产品:
- 展览帐篷
- 广告帐篷
- 折叠帐篷
- 产品信息
- 名称: 3x3黑霸王帐篷
- 品牌: 金又来
- 货号: T-33-
颜色: 黄色
- 产品特点
为使交叉管更耐用,可另配防防胶套,防护铁片。 -
面料Cover material:600DPVC
布料颜色Cover material:yellow
架子材质Frame material:铁STEEL
生产地Place of Origin:广东省GuangDong
产品执行标准Executive standard:Q/HYXL 01-2011
SET UP安装部分
STEP1.Place your FOLDING GAZEBO in the center of the set-up area. With a partner on the opposite side of the frame. hold onto the two outer legs and life slightly for clearance. Take a few steps backward until you have extended the frame a full arms length-approx.4 feet(fig.A).To improve the open-ing and closing action of your FOLDING GAZEBO,you may spray some silicone lubricant on the outer legs.
STEP2.Place the top cover over the top of the frame (fig.B).Use the velcro straps to secure each corner of the cover to the frame under the plastic caps or stell bracket(fig.C).
STEP3.Grab the bottom of the middle frame section where it forms a “M”(fig.D).(fig.E)Lift slightly and slowly walk backward until the frame is fully extended(fig.F).Take care to avoid pinching your hands or fingers.
STEP4.At each corner,hold the leg of the frame with one hand and lift the slider(fig.G)Push the locking button in while pulling the slider up until the button pops through (fig.H).
STEP5.Secure remaining side Velcro straps to the frame (fig. I).The adjustable legs offer multiple height levels.To adjust, lift the leg up and slowly pull out the inner leg until the button pops into place (fig.J).Repeat on the other legs. Use the stakes to secure frame to the ground if necessary.
Tel:0750-8861325/13414199231 李小姐(MS.Li)
种类名称 长 宽 高 厚度 种类1 2.9 2.9 3.2 0.6 种类2 2.9 2.9 3.2 0.6 种类3 2.9 2.9 3.2 0.6 种类4 产品包装图防水效果购买需知:
金又来3x4.5地摊帐篷带围布 四角折叠地摊帐篷批发代理经销加盟 帐篷伞厂家
金又来3x3四角折叠帐篷伞 摆地摊宵夜大排档广告促销展览帐篷定制批发 厂家直销
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金又来3x3促销广告帐篷-kpt 广告促销遮阳防晒帐篷伞厂家 批发代理加盟
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金又来厂家批发高档展览帐篷摆摊展示帐篷户外遮阳防雨折叠帐篷 3*3米广告帐篷
金又来厂家批发2*4帐篷户外促销展览雨棚广告折叠帐篷 户外展览帐篷 地摊促销帐篷防雨防晒雨篷 2*4户外促销广告帐篷
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