
厂商 :源兴植绒烫画

广东 广州
  • 主营产品:
  • 植绒纸
  • 植绒转印纸
  • 植绒烫画纸
联系电话 :13434252814
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  flying everywhere, workshop and be flocking material are difficult to clean. Its use more convenient, need to put the transfer paper pattern fabric (cloth) by heat transfer surface, and then use pyrograph machine or iron ironing several seconds after the design will transfer printing on objects, convenient and quick. The temperature of the heat transfer in 130-150 degrees, 8-10 s, cold to tear. Transfer paper (flocking paper, paper pyrograph) can replace traditional flocking, embroidery and printing and the cost is lower than the general embroidery and polychromatic sets of plate printing, is now widely used in clothing, t-shirts, bags, handbags, shoes, socks, gloves, aprons, arts and crafts, needle textile products, and many other manufacturing areas

