厂商 :深圳市新泽汽车电子科技有限公司营销部
广东 深圳市- 主营产品:
- 汽车检测设备
- 宝马检测仪
- 奔驰检测仪
欢迎致电:1 8 8 2 3 3 9 8 4 2 6。深圳车悦欣科技有限公司为汽车后市场主力服务商,主营:汽车原厂诊断仪,车检测仪,汽车检
SUBARU SSM-III Software Update Package for VXDIAG Multi Diagnostic Tool
Buy it for 5 reasons:
1. Support language: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian
2. Subaru SSM-III Software Version: V2015.1, Support SUBARU Till Year 2015
3. Can Work with any VXDIAG Hardware, Only Need to Provide Serial Number for Update
4. Fully Compatible with SAE-J2534
5. Support both 12V and 24V Gasoline and Diesel Car
1. There is no hardware included, only Subaru SSM-III Software update package.
2. We will provide software CD, when you receive the CD, please send us your serial number for activation.
1. Special dual cell processor for automotive, full compliant with all vehicles protocols.
2. Self-determination design for adapters and cables
1. All System Diagnosis. Selecting this item displays on a single screen the fault detect status of all con trol system con trol modules for which SSMΙΙΙ diagnosis is supported, and memorized diagnostic codes.
2. Each System Check. Selecting this item makes it p ossible to select a particular system from among the con trol systems forwhich SSMΙΙΙ diagnosis is supported, and perform fault diagnosis. This item can be used to view input/output data of the system con trol modules that perform fault diagnosis, memorized diagnostic codes, and other data on the PC display. This menu item is also used after repair work is complete to delete diagnostic codes, to configure con trol module settings.
3. Sa ved Data Display. This item can be used to sa ve various data sampled during fault diagnosis operations, and to load data for viewing after work is complete.
4. Immobilizer. This item performs immobilizer registration.
5. Reprogram. This item performs reprogramming of the con trol module.
6. Read CF application measurement data. This item performs read ing stand alone measurement data sa ved in a CF card to hard disk of your PC.
7. Convert/Sa ve measurement data on driving recorder. Loads data sampled on the driving recorder to the PC from the CF card, and converts and sa ves that data.
8. Oscilloscope. After attaching the optional pulse/analog cartridge to SDI, connect the pulse/analog box to the SDI and usin
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