厂商 :无锡杰威特工业安防设备有限公司
江苏 无锡- 主营产品:
- 防爆安全柜
- 电子防潮箱
- 氮气柜
美国环境保护署对盛漏托盘制定了严格的标准 EPA 40 CFR 264.175。
(a) Container storage areas must have a containment system that is designed and operated in accordance with paragraph (b) of this section, except as otherwise provided by paragraph (c) of this section.
(a)储存容器周围必须有(b) 段落中要求的堵漏设备,除非满足(c)中条件
(b) A containment system must be designed and operated as follows:
(1) A base must underly the containers which is free of cracks or gaps and is sufficiently impervious to contain leaks, spills, and accumulated precipitation
until the collected material is detected and removed;
(1) 容器底部必须有能够盛漏的底座,保证能暂时存储泄露物质
(2) The base must be sloped or the containment system must be otherwise
designed and operated to drain and remove liquids resulting from leaks,
spills, or precipitation, unless the containers are elevated or are otherwise
protected from contact with accumulated liquids;
(2) 底座必须可以倾斜或者有可以排出盛漏液体的设计。除非容器本身有加高设计或禁止接触
(3) The containment system must have sufficient capacity to contain 10%
of the volume of containers or the volume of the largest container, whichever
is greater. Containers that do not contain free liquids need not be considered
in this determination;
(4) Run-on into the containment system must be prevented unless the collection
system has sufficient excess capacity in addition to that required in
paragraph (b)(3) of this section to contain any run-on which might enter the
system; and
(4)堵漏设备必须可以替换,除非此堵漏设备本身容量充分满足 (b)(3)中的要求。