厂商 :章丘市丰通机械加工部
山东 济南- 主营产品:
- 颗粒机
- 木屑颗粒机
- 秸秆粉碎机
章丘市丰通机械厂专业产售的小型饲料颗粒机,小型家用颗粒饲料机,饲料颗粒机,颗粒饲料机,鱼饲料颗粒机,兔子饲料颗粒机,猪饲料颗粒机,秸秆饲料颗粒机,比同类型系列颗粒机可节电20%以上;在不增加动力、人力的情况下,产量提高三分之一。独特的两压辊结构利用瑞士布勒公司技术以优质合金钢为材料。并经特殊热化工艺处理,使连续工作性能更稳定,使用寿命更长;机械运转时升温迅速,使原料熟化更充分,颗粒硬度更高;可将各种粉状饲料制成不同直径长短调节均匀、方便的颗粒饲料,是养殖场、饲养专业户为降低养殖成本,提高经济效益的首选机型。公司主营产品:木屑颗粒机,秸秆烘干机,秸秆粉碎机 ,饲料颗粒机, 立式环模颗粒机。
This machine is the latest company researchers developed a new generation of products.Mainly used for grinding after the corn stalks, vegetable waste, bamboo powder, grass, straw, rice husk and wood and other compressed into cylindrical particles.Machine speed with bipolar, low power consumption, reasonable structure, economic and durable.
The main electrical control system uses the international standard star delta starters, running a very stable