3D曲面钢化膜 VIVO X5

厂商 :冠瑞光电有限公司

广东 深圳
  • 主营产品:
  • 3D曲面钢化玻璃
  • S6
  • S6 PLUS
联系电话 :15217978593
本司专业生产3D曲面钢化膜,S6 S6PLUS S7 S7 PLUS  VIVO X5,等系列产品,以质量求生存,用一颗虔诚的心去做好每一样事,坚持一步一个脚印,客户第一。联系电话:0755-29168364   微信:shenzhi13023   QQ:275257226    移动电话:15217978593  传真:0755-29168364
 The company specializing in the production of 3D curved surface tempered film, S6PLUS S7 S7 PLUS VIVO X5 S6, and other products, to the quality of survival, with a pious heart to do everything, stick to one step at a time, customer first. Tel: 0755-29168364 WeChat: : shenzhi13023 QQ:275257226 mobile phone: 15217978593 Fax: 0755-29168364