厂商 :苍南县光明彩印厂
浙江 温州- 主营产品:
- 包装盒
- 纸盒
- 纸箱
- 白卡纸:白卡纸坚挺厚实、有较高的挺度、耐破度和平滑度,纸面平整,常用的厚度是210-300克白卡纸,用得最多的是210克白卡。用白卡纸印刷出来的纸袋,颜色饱满,纸的质感也非常好,是您定做的首选。
- 铜板纸:铜版纸的特点在于纸面非常光洁平整,白度高,平滑度高,光泽度好,还使印出的图形、画面具有立体感,常用的厚度有128克-300克,铜板纸印刷的效果和白卡纸一样,颜色饱满鲜亮,与白卡纸相比较,挺度不及白卡纸。
- 白牛皮纸:白牛皮纸耐破度高,韧性好,高强度,匀度厚度色象稳定,根据国家有关法规规定超市限制使用塑料袋,以及国外,欧美等国家提倡用环保纸袋的趋势,严格控制塑料污染,塑料袋将被环保纸袋替代,白牛皮纸市场前景看好。100%纯木浆制造,环保无毒,可环保再生利用,白牛皮纸韧性很好,而且不用覆膜,广泛用于制作环保型服装手提袋、高档购物袋等。常用的厚度有120克-200克的白牛皮纸,纸张没有亮度和光泽度,白牛皮纸不适合印刷油墨太大的内容。
- 本色牛皮纸(即黄牛皮纸):牛皮纸具有很高的拉力,强度很高。通常呈棕黄色,抗撕裂强度、破裂功和动态强度很高,广泛用于购物袋、信封等。常用的厚度有120克-300克的本色牛皮纸,牛皮纸一般适合印刷单色或者双色及颜色不复杂的稿件,相对于白卡纸、白牛皮纸和铜板纸,黄牛皮纸的价格最低。
- 特种纸:对于要求比较高的客户,建议您可以联系店主为您推荐特种纸,特种纸的品种也是非常的多,根据您的要求具体来定。

English Edition:
Cangnan Guangming Printing Co,Ltd is a medium-sized printing enterprise who provides integrated service form design to printing and processing.Our company was established in 1993, located in Longgang town,Wenzhou City, Zhejiang Province,China.
We are specializing in the production of printing items, paper packing boxes, gift boxes, paper cards, paper bags, posters, stickers,catalogs,swatch books,albums and so on.We have advanced technology and printing machines in providing our customers with high-class printing matters and variety of high-quality printing related businesses.Especially, We are very good at paper packing boxes and paper bags printing ,That is something why we have entered into good relationships with some famous companies in the world . And expressly, Our price is very competitive because we are manufactory, we are the source. So we are convinced that we can help you not only save costings but provide you good quality products .
Ever since its birth, upholding the dictum of "quality, integrity, innovation, growth", meeting and exceeding customers' requirements are central themes within our quality strategy. For us, people are key to our success, we set their imagination free, and to encourage their potential. Through efforts of all staff, the company has been successfully certified by UL, CSA and ISO14001:2000 quality assurance system.
Standing on the threshold of tomorrow, we shall continue to upkeep our best performance to work for the prosperity and development of our customers.It is our goal to deliver max value of products to valued customers.
Whenever your products need the delicate packages, please contact us. We will provide the best products quality, the fastest speed, the most reasonable price and the perfect service for you!
contact us
Add: No. 68, Xinwan Street, Longgang town, Wenzhou city, Zhejiang province, China.
Tel: +86-577-64200778
Fax: +86-577-64223949
MSN: cngmcy@hotmail.com