
厂商 :无锡创景机电科技有限公司

江苏 无锡
  • 主营产品:
  • 钢印机
  • 金属打标机
  • 电化学打标机
联系电话 :15061851569

二维机构采用线性钢制运动导轨、自封闭、自润滑轴承、可靠性高,耐磨;打印标头旋转90度后在工件上采用windows操作系统对中英文字符,数字,常用符号,图形等随意输入,自动打印生产日期,流水码,VIN码等,内容自动存储可进行数据查询,统计追朔的联网,通讯功能.应用范围:适合在产品种类繁多的平面和微弧面及圆柱型工件360度打标,柱体配备三轴联动夹具圆周打印,实现一机多用的高效率Material :aluminium , iron , copper, stainless steel, Invar; Coated & Plated Metals; Nylon, ABS, Polycarbonate, PVC . Most metallic materials mark well.Application Industry: automobile or bodywork of motorcycle, car frame, automotive chassis, engine, and mechanical part, machine tool, metal pipe, gear, pump body, valve, various hardness plastic products.
主要技术指标Main tech-specification 
打标范围Marking scope: 110×80mm(customrization any marking area )可定制Having custom-made
卡盘尺寸Chuck size: 360 degreen125mm-200mm(可定制Having custom-made
打标深度Marking depth: 0.11mm(视材料硬度而定according to the workpiece material )
打印精度Marking accuracy: 0.02mm
打标速度Marking speed: 3040mm/s
针头硬度Pinhead hardness: HRA92
整机功率Power consumption: ≤350w
气压要求Inputting air pressure: 0.20.6Mpa(工业气源或压缩机气源)
电源要求Voltage: 220V±10%50HZ±1%
工作温度Working Temperature: -10~50℃
相对湿度Relative humidity: 2585%
电脑部分Computer 自备(可由我司标配)Supplying for oneself
主机/控制箱尺寸Size Total weight: 355*410*780(mm);65kg/370*340*100(mm);5.5kg
控制柜Control cubicle Size: 520*520*1200*(mm)(可自备May supply for oneself
