厂商 :大连蓝赛斯无纺布制品有限公司
辽宁 大连- 主营产品:
- 柔巾卷
- 美容巾
- 清洁布

供应【蓝赛斯】工业擦拭布 无尘纸,大连直销,大连无尘纸供应【蓝赛斯】工业擦拭布 擦拭纸 无尘纸大连工厂直销
大连蓝赛斯无纺布制品有限公司位于东北亚重要的国际航运中心辽宁省大连市,公司临近大连港码头,地理位置优越,交通便捷。 公司主要经营无纺布及无纺布制品,产品用途主要是各种清洁擦拭。是专业从事无纺布及无纺布深加工的企业,主要以切片、折叠、点断复卷对无纺布进行深加工。通过我们不断了努力,承接国内外不同领域的业务, 品质、服务、管理是公司在竞争中取胜的重要因素,质量精益求精,服务尽善尽美是我们的目标,我们愿与国内外各行各业的朋友真诚合作,共图发展,共创未来! Dalian Blue Seth Non-woven Products Co., Ltd., located in Dalian City, Liaoning Province----the important international shipping center in Northeast Asia, is adjacent to Dalian port in superior the geographical position with convenient transportation. Guangyuan mainly engaged in non-woven fabrics and non-woven products, which are mainly used in cleaning. Guangyuan is specialized in the deep processing of non-woven fabrics and non-woven fabrics, mainly in the fabric for deep processing by in slice, fold, point and cut off with the capacity of supply at home and abroad. Quality, service and management is the key to Guangyuan in the competition, and excellent quality and perfect service is Guangyuan’s goal. Guangyuan is willing to cooperate with everyone for mutual development and better future.